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[ft] Tweaking/Improving FreeType Antialiasing

From: address@hidden
Subject: [ft] Tweaking/Improving FreeType Antialiasing
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 23:54:58 -0700

I've never been terribly happy with the antialiasing under various Linux distributions. I'm not sure if this is a personal preference issue or what, but suffice to say, it has been my largest complaint about using Linux on the desktop - the fonts look like utter crap to me. I can adapt to different interfaces - there are pluses and minuses to every way of doing something - but the anti-aliasing under Linux has always been kind of like going from Lindt chocolate to Hershey's chocolate, at least to me.

I'm particularly leaning towards Fedore Core 5 as the distribution in which I wish to apply improved anti-aliasing. My first assumption regarding the anti-aliasing was that it was related to the disabling of auto-hinting. So I looked into ways to enable the bytecode interpreter. ( fonts-2006-04-19-20-12.html ) But that doesn't seem to really change the rendering much.

Let me show you a screenshot from FC5 with subpixel anti-aliasing, using the MS Verdana font and FreeType 2.1.10 with bytecode on:

Now, take a look at it under OS X - same font - with "lighter" and "normal" settings with subpixel anti-aliasing using the standard OS X font rendering:

There are flaws, in my view, with the OS X rendering, but it is (to me) an absolute night and day improvement over the stuff in FC5. Similarly, Adobe's CoolType (when properly configured) can look pretty much as good as OS X as well.

Is it even possible to get FreeType rendering text that even comes close to the OS X screenshots? If it's not possible with FreeType, is there some library I could drop in place of FreeType to get text that (to me) actually looks really good?

I do realize people have difference preferences in terms of the look/ feel of their fonts, but hopefully you can help me achieve the appearance I'm seeking.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated...



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