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[Freetype] [HELP]Embeded bitmap fonts in Chinese ttc fonts

From: 陆然
Subject: [Freetype] [HELP]Embeded bitmap fonts in Chinese ttc fonts
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:26:25 +0800
User-agent: KMail/1.6

  I'm using gentoo 1.4rc1 with xft2 and freetype 2.1.3, both compiled from 
source without using the emerge of gentoo. I've found a problem,may be a bug, 
when using simsun.ttc which is copied from Windows XP in X.
  The problem is, when I set a small font size, freetype should use the bitmap 
fonts embeded in the ttf fonts, but with simsun.ttc(or some other chinese ttf 
fonts shipped in Windows XP, like simhei.ttf, simkai.ttf), ONLY Chinese 
charactors use the bitmap fonts when font size is small. It seems that 
freetype is failed to find the bitmap fonts for the English charactors(also 
some symbols in iso8859-1 I think). But if I use a pure English ttf fonts, it 
works well. And BTW, XTT in xfree 4.1 or 4.2 can get those missing English 
bitmap fonts in Chinese ttf fonts without problem.
  So is it a known bug of freetype or it's a problem with xft2? it's not a big 
problem it's quite annoy and I hope I can find a solution. thx

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