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[Freetype] Freetype 2.1.3 Mac bugs

From: Paul Miller
Subject: [Freetype] Freetype 2.1.3 Mac bugs
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 11:41:35 -0600

Updated to 2.1.3 (from 2.0.8) and found some Mac bugs. One has crept in since 2.0.8, and one has been there for a long time.

1. file_spec_from_path() for TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON is broken.

FSPathMakeRef() takes a pascal string (as most, if not all, Mac path functions do), but a C string is passed to it. So it always fails.

The NON-carbon code there works for both cases, so the TARGET_API_MAX_CARBON code should be removed. The new function should just be:

  /* Given a pathname, fill in a file spec. */
  static int
  file_spec_from_path( const char*  pathname,
                       FSSpec*      spec )
    Str255    p_path;
    FT_ULong  path_len;

    /* convert path to a pascal string */
    path_len = ft_strlen( pathname );
    if ( path_len > 255 )
      return -1;
    p_path[0] = (unsigned char)path_len;
    ft_strncpy( (char*)p_path + 1, pathname, path_len );

    if ( FSMakeFSSpec( 0, 0, p_path, spec ) != noErr )
      return -1;
      return 0;

2. multi-resource .dfont files dont seem to work. If I try to load the second or third FOND from a dfont file (like Helvetica.dfont, etc) to get the Bold or Italic versions, it doesn't work for some reason. I'm looking into this now.

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