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[Freetype] Printing (PostScript)

From: Ian Britten
Subject: [Freetype] Printing (PostScript)
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 15:18:40 -0400

Hi all,
When using FreeType, how does one normally go about getting the desired
fonts into a PostScript file?
[ Disclaimer - I don't 'know' PostScript, but I've got to be able to
print our stuff, so I'm just talking at an abstract level here... ]

When drawing, you obviously render them to a bitmap and draw that to the
screen.  However, this is unacceptable to put into a file, primarily
because of the pixelization at large sizes.  PostScript vs TrueType font
names also have me unsure how to proceed...

Specifically, some things that have me wondering are:
- If I have a TrueType fontname, what do I do with it?  I've seen some
  reference to PostScript supporting TrueType, but can anyone verify (or
  clarify) this for me?
- FreeType seems to work mostly with glyph indicies.  Somehow I don't
  think I can put the index into the PostScript file (especially if it
  is a TrueType font that is being used).  What does one normally do?
  Call FT_Get_Glyph_Name() for every glyph?
- Anyone know anything about Unicode?  If I'm drawing Farsi, or a
  double-byte font, after I FT_Load_Glyph() to get the appropriate glyph,
  what do I do with it?

Sorry if this is naively simple, or has been discussed before (although
I don't see anything like it in the list archives..).  Right now, I'm
just looking for a push in the right direction...

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