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Re: [DotGNU](no subject)

From: Daniel E Baumann
Subject: Re: [DotGNU](no subject)
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 10:16:22 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 03:18:14PM +0100, Martin Coxall wrote:
> As an "outsider" (from the UK), I have to say this is one of the most 
> sickeningly disgusting things I have ever read. If this is a testament to 
> what Americans believe, then it is clear that they have learnt nothing, and 
> are destined to remain the most despised people on the planet for a long 
> while to come, locked into a cycle of increasing terrorist attacks and 
> retaliation, unable to break free.

No it is not a testament to what "Americans" believe. I see it as a calling for
sympathy and support to his ppl. America is not all "evil", there are some
Americans who believe strongly in freedom and you cannot lump them all together
for then we are no better than all the others who are biggoted and full of
hate and terrorizing the world.

> The US is the main perpetrator of an evil and oppressive system that enslaves 
> 90% of the world's population in fear, anger, poverty and disease, just so as 
> Mrs Lardass of Des Moines, Iowa can get her half-gallon of Ben and Jerry's 
> from Wal-Mart.

I just love all the US bashing when this was the *World* trade center that was
destroyed there are more then just "Americans" that were killed. It is easy for
one to point finger and place blame, but it takes a real human being to open
their heart when some of our fellow human beings are suffering. I believe myself
that God may be punishing the US for all of it's secular actions, but of course
that is my belief.
> Islamic fundamentalism cannot be allowed to continue. Neither can the 
> systemic enslavement of the population of the earth by the west. These two 
> evils are entwined, and must be destroyed simultaneously.

Yes, and a lot of us here in the US continue to fight the injustices and are in
a daily struggle to make this the land of the people once again and not the
United Corporations of America.

Daniel E Baumann      address@hidden 

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realists'' say that profit is the only ideal...just ignore them, and use 
copyleft all the same.
      -- RMS

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