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Re: Building From Source On Linux

From: Ron Economos
Subject: Re: Building From Source On Linux
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 14:24:11 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

You have more than one problem.

1) There are many more than 32 tests. This indicates that you haven't built all of the components. When you run cmake, check the output at the end. It should look similar this.

-- ######################################################
-- # Gnuradio enabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * testing-support
--   * python-support
--   * doxygen
--   * man-pages
--   * gnuradio-runtime
--   * common-precompiled-headers
--   * gr-ctrlport
--   * gnuradio-companion
--   * JSON/YAML config blocks
--   * gr-blocks
--   * gr-fec
--   * gr-fft
--   * gr-filter
--   * gr-analog
--   * gr-digital
--   * gr-dtv
--   * gr-audio
--   * * alsa
--   * * oss
--   * gr-channels
--   * gr-pdu
--   * gr-qtgui
--   * gr-trellis
--   * gr-uhd
--   * gr-uhd UHD 4.0 RFNoC
--   * gr-utils
--   * gr_modtool
--   * gr_blocktool
--   * gr-video-sdl
--   * gr-vocoder
--   * gr-wavelet
--   * gr-zeromq
--   * gr-network
--   * gr-soapy
-- ######################################################
-- # Gnuradio disabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * post-install
--   * gr-iio

If you have a lot of disabled components, you're missing dependencies. This is also why you only have gnuradio-config-info in your bin directory.

2) When you install to a custom directory, you have to tell the system about it. On Ubuntu, I use two files:


This file contains the line (adjust for your install directory):



This file contains (adjust for your install directory and Python version):

# add gnuradio to path
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gnuradio-3.11.0git/bin
# add gnuradio python libraries to python search path
if [ $PYTHONPATH ]; then
        export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/gnuradio-3.11.0git/lib/python3.11/site-packages
        export PYTHONPATH=/opt/gnuradio-3.11.0git/lib/python3.11/site-packages

3) You need to uninstall the package manager version.

sudo apt-get purge gnuradio

sudo apt-get purge gnuradio-dev


On 3/16/24 13:52, Hamza Mohammed wrote:
I am trying to build gnu radio from source on linux from the linux install. I already have gnuradio running because I installed it using my package manager. I want to make changes to the source code so I cloned the repository and tried to build it somewhere else in the system by using the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=XXX flag during cmake. Everything works fine, even after running make test, all 32 tests are passed however when I go to the XXX/bin directory there is only one file "gnuradio-config-info" and when i run it the output is: "./gnuradio-config-info: error while loading shared libraries: libgnuradio-runtime.so.3.11.0git: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I don't know where did I go wrong, but it seems to not detect the shared libraries.  Dependencies are 100% installed because I am using the release gnu radio software. Any ideas what could be the problem?

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