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Re: [Axiom-mail] AXIOM documentation

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-mail] AXIOM documentation
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:40:13 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

Welcome Alan,

The first thing I'd like to support is Bill's suggestion that you should look at Aldor in order to understand the programming language. Axiom's SPAD (its compiler language) is a little different, but if you encounter differences and don't understand them, then it is probably better to ask again at the list (and maybe then write down some notes so that these differences become explicit --- best to do on a page at the MathAction (the Axiom wiki) . Replace "FrontPage" by some reasonable term and create that page. If you first would like to experiment with the wiki then start you term with Sandbox...

I am trying to understand the documentation.  Below are some notes
based on Chapter 5 of the book.  The system seems to be based on a
directed graph whose nodes are Axiom objects and whose edges are of
two sorts which could be called
   a is a member of b if b is a domain (or subdomain?) and a's type is b
   c refines d if all members of c are members of d and in addition
                  all operations of c are operations of d.
Is this right?


In the book, Figure 1 shows a bit of this graph for the "refines"
relation and for some basic domains of algebra.  Could someone please
draw a similar graph with nodes including
   Variable ?
These are the obscurest objects.  Someone has tried to explain them
in bookvol1 Chapter 5, but it is hard.  See the notes below.

As you will find in the Aldor User Guide everything has a type.
You can see at Aldor as a language that has 3 levels of things (well, I wanted to say "object", but that gets easily confused with that concept in OOP.

(Before anybody wants to complain that I am not totally correct, I'd like to say that I did this by intention in order to simplify the first steps for a new user/developer.)

Example (I don't refer to Axiom but rather to the library LibAldor so the names might not be know to Axiom):

1st level:  42              (is of type Integer)
2nd level:  Integer         (is of type IntegerType)
3rd level:  IntegerType     (is of type Category)

The first level I'd like to call "simple objects" (but they are *definitely not* objects in the OO sense). The things at the second level are called "domains". (A "package" is a special domain.)
The things at the third level are called "categories".
The name "Category" is a special built-in name that denotes the type of a category (i.e. the type of things at third level).

The things at second level are formed using the "add {...}" construction.
The things at third level are formed using the "with {...}" construction.

The things at second and third level are called types.
The identifier "Type" is builtin. It is the type of any type, (Something like the set of all sets---don't think about Russel's paradox here.)

Think of the things at third level as something comparable to JAVA interfaces. (That is not completely exact, but quite near to my taste.)

There are different ways of inheritance.
Second level: single inheritance.

MyDom: with {
  0: %;
  foo: % -> %;
} == Integer add {
  foo(x: %): % == x;

The domain "MyDom" exports exactly 2 things, the constant 0 and a function foo. As you can see, I have not given a definition for the implementation of 0. That implementation is inherited from the domain Integer.

Third level. Since that is not connected to implementations, but rather only signatures of functions, multiple inheritance is allowed.

So if you have

define CatA: with {foo: %->%, bar: %->()}
define CatB: with {foo: (%, %)->%; bar: %->()}
define CatC: Join(CatA, CatB} with {baz: () -> %}

then the last definition is (nearly) equivalent to

define CatD: with {
  foo: %->%;
  foo: (%,%)->%;
  bar: %->();
  baz: () -> %

It simply forms the (non-disjoint) union of all the signatures.
I said "nearly" because in the definition

define CatC: Join(CatA, CatB} with {baz: () -> %}

CatC remembers that it inherits from CatA and CatB while in the second definition, there is no relation to CatA and CatB.

So if you define domains

DomC: CatC == add {...}
DomD: CatD == add {...}

and later use constructs like

  if DomC has CatA then ...

  if DomD has CatA then ...

then "DomC has CatA" is true while "DomD has CatA" is false.

Does this help a bit?

I have not yet worked out how to refine a domain.  There is a hint on
page 14 of the book: Complex(R) defines its exports with
   "Ring with ... if R has Field then Field ..."

Complex is a domain constructor, i.e. a function that returns a domain
as a result.

Yes, and it should be emphasized that things of first, second, and third level are all "first class citizens", i.e. each of them can appear as an argument to a function. For example "Complex" is such a function. It takes a domain (something of level 2) as argument and returns a domain.

In Aldor, you could also write something like

#include "algebra"
#include "aldorio"
mygcd(R: EuclideanDomain)(a: R, b: R): R == {
  R has Field => if zero? a and zero? b then 0 else 1;
  while not zero? b repeat { (a, b) := (b, a rem b) }
  return a;
Q ==> Fraction Integer;
import from Integer, Q;
g := mygcd Integer;
stdout << g(4,6) << newline;
stdout << mygcd(Q)(4::Q,6::Q) << newline;

Let me explain.

The signature of mygcd is

  (R: EuclideanDomain) -> ((R, R) -> R)

so it is actually a function that takes as input something of level 2 and returns a function (something of level 1) whose type is

  (R, R) -> R

As you can see, the type of the output cannot be written down without knowing R. But R in this case is the *value* of the argument. Only the type of R is clear at compiletime (which is EuclideanDomain---something of level 3). The type of "mygcd" is called a "dependent type".

Note also the definition and use of g. g is a variable that has a function value, i.e. its signature is

  (Integer, Integer) -> Integer

and since that is a function type g can be applied to a pair of integers (4,6).

Please forgive me if these matters have simple answers.

Definitely not a problem. We all know that Axiom/Aldor *is* hard to learn. But when you come over the first hurdles you'll love the concepts that distinguish Axiom from all other CASs.


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