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[Axiom-mail] [ANN] version 16-06-2007 of axiom.el

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-mail] [ANN] version 16-06-2007 of axiom.el
Date: 16 Jun 2007 22:21:31 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Again a new version of axiom.el.pamphlet, uploaded to MathAction:

You need to untangle the file and load it into emacs with 

  M-x load-file Ret axiom.el Ret


* implemented repositioning of the process-mark consistently and safely,

* rearranged the defuns a little so that they are easier to locate in the

* axiom-reset now actually works (useful if for some reason some other process
  has written something into your *axiom* buffer.

* axiom-process is not set to nil anymore, when some buffer is killed.

> Missing:
> * xemacs port
> * allow lisp debugger to be entered, I.e., track when the prompt may change.
>   How does shell mode do this?
> * clean up initialisation routines.

    In particular, I'd like to have the following behaviour:
    [[M-x axiom]] should switch to the buffer [[*axiom*]], if it exists and if
    it is an "axiom buffer".  (I guess that should be a buffer in
    [[axiom-mode]], with a running axiom process.)
    If there is no such buffer, it should create a new buffer and a new axiom
    [[(add-hook 'axiom-mode-hook (lambda () (rename-uniquely)))]] should
    rename the buffer.  I do not know what else one could use
    [[shell-mode-hook]] (and therefore [[axiom-mode-hook]]) for.

  * update the documentation and make it more concise.


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