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Re: [Adonthell-artwork] Character portraits

From: Andrew Phillips
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-artwork] Character portraits
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 08:44:07 -0600

I thought I was say something about Lursan 'Waterpaw' Maladris and Lesteph Brighteyes.

Lursan Waterpaw is an ursanthrope (part man and part brown bear), so he is rather hairy and wears a full beard.

Lesteph Brighteyes is an older lycanthrope. Her hair is grey, in part because of her age and in part because her Beast side is a grey wolf. Her eyes are gold-green.

There is an old sketch of Andare dunVelain, but with the wide-brimmed hat and long scarf, he looks a bit like the Shadow. The hat is good, but the scarf comes up too high. I think the best word to describe Andare's face would be 'scruffy but kind' when dealing with a friend and 'stern and scruffy' when dealing with someone he doesn't trust or actively dislikes. The Forestkeepers of Dun Velain are more likely to work alone than the Forestkeepers of Dun Telron and less given to military-style discipline, so whereas Lareth dunTelro is clean-shaven, Andare wouldn't bother with shaving in the wilderness.

Hope this helps


On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Kai Sterker <address@hidden> wrote:
Remains the last ghost, Agdan, the sister of Reylyr. So she'll
probably have some similarities to Reylyr and the transparent look of
Coris. (Which is truly excellent, btw!).

That leaves (to keep a bit of an overview) the following characters:

* Mina Turvale, wife of Sulin Turvale
* Andare dunVelain
* Albrecht, Duke of Wyvernesse
* Lursan Maladris, a Yetin Monk and ursanthrope
* Abbot Tham
* Lesteph Brighteyes
* Tewr "the Fell"
* Rrelmer "the Bower"
* Dern "the Blade"
* Krelm "the Cutpurse"
* Elgar Basil (since what we had for him is now Thorn)
* Orl
* Soko

Finally, if you really feel like it, there are the characters with a
Waste's Edge portrait. We could reuse that, or you could blow it up to
the larger resolution and give it an overhaul using your style. Those
characters are:

* Orloth
* Lucia
* Oliver
* Jelom
* Talan
* Rhayne Frostbloom
* Alek Endhelm

I'll try to come up with some more descriptions this evening,


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