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Re: [Ada-mode-users] Performance of ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe vs. abor

From: Ludovic Brenta
Subject: Re: [Ada-mode-users] Performance of ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe vs. abort statements
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:57:54 +0100

Le 2018-12-18 00:46, Stephen Leake writes:
Ludovic Brenta <address@hidden> writes:

Philippe has made some measurements of the performance
of ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe under callgrind and found
that approximately 10% of CPU time is spent in instructions
perparing for a possible abort statement.

Just to be clear, what version of GNAT are you compiling with? I'm using CE 2018 on Windows, and Pro 19 (via your contract) on Debian, both x86_64.

In case it matters, we use GNAT Pro 19.0w (20180709-73) on x86_64 Red Hat 7.4.

I tried recompiling ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe with the following
configuration pragmas and found a minor speed improvement but there is
indeed an abort statement preventing us from applying pragma
No_Abort_Statements. I have a couple of questions about this.

First of all, does this affect both parsers?

The abort statement is only used to abort any error recover computation
tasks that are still running when Recover wants to exit due to an
unhandled exception.

I'm not clear what you are refering to by "both parsers"; error recovery is used by ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe and ada_mode_wisi_lalr_parse.exe, which are the only options for the "process" parser setting of ada-parser.

By "both parsers" I meant ada_mode_wisi_lr1_parse.exe and
ada_mode_wisi_lalr_parse.exe, thanks for the answer.

No Ada code is used by the "elisp" setting of ada-parser.

Second, is there a way to redesign the affected parser(s) not
to use an abort statement?  If so, the pragma would buy us
an immediate 10% performance boost.

Since this is very well debugged, there should be no unhandled
exceptions, and that abort statement can be removed (at the risk of a
silent hang in an error recovery that encounters a new situation);
delete the call to Cleanup in the Recover top level exception handler
(line 626), and the body of Cleanup (lines 200 .. 207).

Or maybe change the "if" statment in Cleanup to output a warning to
Standard_Error instead of "abort". That would be visible when running
run_ada_lr1_parse.exe outside of Emacs, so we'd have some chance of
diagnosing the problem.

I would prefer that: we'd get both the performance and the diagnoses.

I could use preprocessor statements to put it back for development, or
just comment it in/out.

I think unconditional error messages to Standard_Error would be best.

Here are the configuration pragmas I applied; they come from
lengthy research to optimize the performance of our main

Which .gpr file do these go in? I'm not used to using configuration
pragmas. Reading the gprbuild manual, I think I add a
Builder.Global_Configuration_Pragmas attribute in

The configuration pragmas go into a separate file which is referenced
in the .gpr file.  Here is my current patch:

---  2018-12-07 17:23:15.756991576 +0100
+++  2018-12-17 16:30:14.001696000 +0100
@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@

-- We use ".exe" extension even on non-Windows, to simplify the makefiles.
       for Executable_Suffix use ".exe";
+      for Global_Configuration_Pragmas use "configuration_pragmas.ada";
    end Builder;

    package Binder is
--- /dev/null
+++ configuration_pragmas.ada
@@ -0,0 +0,6 @@
+pragma No_Heap_Finalization;
+pragma Restrictions (No_Initialize_Scalars);
+-- pragma Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements); -- violated at wisitoken-parse-lr-mckenzie_recover.adb:204:16
+pragma Restrictions (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting => 0);
+pragma Restrictions (No_Asynchronous_Control);
+pragma Restrictions (No_Dynamic_Priorities);

Ludovic Brenta.

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