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Re: [Chinese-translators] The Chinese version of <<Free Software, Free S

From: su weisi
Subject: Re: [Chinese-translators] The Chinese version of <<Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman>>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 19:00:09 +0800

看了您的大作,原来stallman来过中国呀,明白了以谋取利益为主的的开源软件和自由软件的区别,确实free很重要,但是其实可能linus不这么认为,可能只是coding for fun,还有文里有一错误,stallman用的那电脑是thinkpad t24?IBM没生产过t24,只有t23,并且t23背身上非常沉,看图片应该是x24吧,stallman还真是珍惜时间,确实是现代唯数不多的hacker

2006/9/27, Bill Xu <address@hidden>:


在 2006-09-26二的 17:13 +0800,su weisi写道:
> 哈哈,不是吧,连Richard Stallman都来信了,书中的偶像距离原来这么近呀,那么
> Eric Raymond是不是也有可能看这些信那,有趣
> 2006/9/26, Bill Xu < address@hidden>:
>         <<free as in freedom>>不是RMS写的,也很好,所以它的优先级底一
>         些。我们此
>         次要翻译的书是RMS的文选,意义重大。请选择自己想翻译的章节,开
>         始行
>         动。:)
>         徐继哲
>         在 2006-09-25一的 20:38 +0800,su weisi写道:
>         > 很不错,我还没读过您说的那本书拉,只读过free as in freedom,感
>         觉您说的那
>         > 本应该也很不错吧,还有感觉既然是中文翻译,用中文交流比较合适
>         吧,说英语还
>         > 是感觉便纽
>         >
>         > 2006/9/25, Bill Xu <address@hidden>:
>         >         Dear all,
>         >
>         >         I discussed the plan of translating the book, <<Free
>         Software,
>         >         Free
>         >         Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman>>,
>         into
>         >         Chinese, to
>         >         promote the force of free software movement in
>         China.
>         >
>         >         Our plan is to do this through a community, so the
>         GNU/CTT is
>         >         the best
>         >         choice, and I, as the chief editor, will review all
>         the
>         >         translations,
>         >         and publish it. Of course, all the translators will
>         be
>         >         recorded in the
>         >         preface.
>         >
>         >         The book is here,
>         http://www.gnupress.org/book13.html , please
>         >         study it,
>         >         and find the part that you want to do, and let me
>         know. It's a
>         >         good
>         >         choice to help GNU/FSF, please join it.
>         >
>         >         The schedule is:
>         >         Sep, 2006: Announce this plan, and collect the
>         volunteers, we
>         >         need about
>         >         10 - 15 people to do that.
>         >
>         >         Oct-Dec, 2006: Translating......
>         >
>         >         January-March, 2007: I'll review the whole book
>         carefully, and
>         >         announce
>         >         the release candidate of this book.
>         >
>         >         April-June, 2007: Publish the book, and spread it,
>         and many
>         >         other
>         >         advertisement plans.
>         >
>         >
>         >         Thanks!
>         >
>         >         --
>         >         Bill Xu http://www.billxu.com
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >         _______________________________________________
>         >         Chinese-translators mailing list
>         >         address@hidden
>         >
>         http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chinese-translators
>         >
>         --
>         Bill Xu http://www.billxu.com

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