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Re: [Chinese-translators] The Chinese version of <<Free Software, Free S

From: su weisi
Subject: Re: [Chinese-translators] The Chinese version of <<Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman>>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:38:01 +0800

很不错,我还没读过您说的那本书拉,只读过free as in freedom,感觉您说的那本应该也很不错吧,还有感觉既然是中文翻译,用中文交流比较合适吧,说英语还是感觉便纽

2006/9/25, Bill Xu <address@hidden>:
Dear all,

I discussed the plan of translating the book, <<Free Software, Free
Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman>>, into Chinese, to
promote the force of free software movement in China.

Our plan is to do this through a community, so the GNU/CTT is the best
choice, and I, as the chief editor, will review all the translations,
and publish it. Of course, all the translators will be recorded in the

The book is here, http://www.gnupress.org/book13.html , please study it,
and find the part that you want to do, and let me know. It's a good
choice to help GNU/FSF, please join it.

The schedule is:
Sep, 2006: Announce this plan, and collect the volunteers, we need about
10 - 15 people to do that.

Oct-Dec, 2006: Translating......

January-March, 2007: I'll review the whole book carefully, and announce
the release candidate of this book.

April-June, 2007: Publish the book, and spread it, and many other
advertisement plans.


Bill Xu http://www.billxu.com

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