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[Ranger-users] scout command

From: Roman Z.
Subject: [Ranger-users] scout command
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 07:00:17 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

I finally took the time to implement the :scout command.  It has the
following flags:

AUTO_OPEN       = 'a'
FILTER          = 'f'
SM_GLOB         = 'g'
IGNORE_CASE     = 'i'
KEEP_OPEN       = 'k'
MARK            = 'm'
UNMARK          = 'M'
PERM_FILTER     = 'p'
SM_REGEX        = 'r'
SMART_CASE      = 's'
AS_YOU_TYPE     = 't'
INVERT          = 'v'

They are more or less self-explanatory.  Let me just note that you can't
use more than one SM_* flag at once.

Seven existing commands were replaced by aliases to :scout with the
respective flags.  Plus, they got more awesome, since now you got
inverted filters with ":filter -v [...]" or a filtered :find command
with ":find -f [...]".

alias filter     scout -prt
alias find       scout -aet
alias mark       scout -mr
alias unmark     scout -Mr
alias search     scout -r
alias search_inc scout -rt
alias travel     scout -aefiklst

And of course you can remix them however you want by putting your own
aliases into ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf.

The only bug I see atm is that ":travel" gets changed into
":scout -aefiklst" inside the console after you changed the directory
with it, but that's completely harmless.

Please test the command and tell me if you experience unexpected
results, or give me more ideas for useful flags :)


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