/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of and a contribution to the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Credits go to Adam Dunkels (and the current maintainers) of this software. * * Christiaan Simons rewrote this file to get a more stable echo application. * **/ /* This file was modified by ST */ #include "lwip/debug.h" #include "lwip/stats.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #include #include "OwnCode\Ethernet.h" #include "Owncode\UARTDebug.h" #define TCP_SERVER_PORT 52360 /* define the UDP local connection port */ #define PBUF_NUM 5 #if LWIP_TCP static struct tcp_pcb *tcp_server_pcb; static struct pbuf *txPBUF[PBUF_NUM]; uint8_t txPBUF_count = 0; // OWN USER VARIABLE uint8_t payloadbuffer[PBUF_MAXLENGTH]; // Buffer to copy the packet into - 1000 bytes /* protocol states */ enum tcp_server_states { ES_NONE = 0, ES_ACCEPTED, ES_RECEIVED, ES_CLOSING }; /* structure for maintaining connection infos to be passed as argument to LwIP callbacks*/ struct tcp_server_struct { u8_t state; /* current connection state */ u8_t retries; struct tcp_pcb *pcb; /* pointer on the current tcp_pcb */ struct pbuf *p; /* pointer on the received/to be transmitted pbuf */ }; static err_t tcp_server_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err); static err_t tcp_server_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err); static void tcp_server_error(void *arg, err_t err); static err_t tcp_server_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb); static err_t tcp_server_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len); static void tcp_server_send(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es); static void tcp_server_connection_close(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es); /** * @brief Initializes the tcp server * @param None * @retval None */ void tcp_server_init(void) { /* create new tcp pcb */ tcp_server_pcb = tcp_new(); if (tcp_server_pcb != NULL) { err_t err; err = tcp_bind(tcp_server_pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, TCP_SERVER_PORT); if (err == ERR_OK) { /* start tcp listening for pcb */ tcp_server_pcb = tcp_listen(tcp_server_pcb); /* initialize LwIP tcp_accept callback function */ tcp_accept(tcp_server_pcb, tcp_server_accept); } else { /* deallocate the pcb */ memp_free(MEMP_TCP_PCB, tcp_server_pcb); } } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < PBUF_NUM; i++) { txPBUF[i] = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, PBUF_MAXLENGTH, PBUF_RAM); // Allocate pbuf in RAM with enough length } } /** * @brief This function is the implementation of tcp_accept LwIP callback * @param arg: not used * @param newpcb: pointer on tcp_pcb struct for the newly created tcp connection * @param err: not used * @retval err_t: error status */ static err_t tcp_server_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err) { err_t ret_err; struct tcp_server_struct *es; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg); LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(err); /* set priority for the newly accepted tcp connection newpcb */ tcp_setprio(newpcb, TCP_PRIO_MIN); /* allocate structure es to maintain tcp connection informations */ es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)mem_malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_server_struct)); if (es != NULL) { es->state = ES_ACCEPTED; es->pcb = newpcb; es->retries = 0; es->p = NULL; /* pass newly allocated es structure as argument to newpcb */ tcp_arg(newpcb, es); /* initialize lwip tcp_recv callback function for newpcb */ tcp_recv(newpcb, tcp_server_recv); /* initialize lwip tcp_err callback function for newpcb */ tcp_err(newpcb, tcp_server_error); /* initialize lwip tcp_poll callback function for newpcb */ tcp_poll(newpcb, tcp_server_poll, 0); /* initialize lwip tcp_sent callback function for newpcb */ tcp_sent(newpcb, tcp_server_sent); ret_err = ERR_OK; } else { /* close tcp connection */ tcp_server_connection_close(newpcb, es); /* return memory error */ ret_err = ERR_MEM; } return ret_err; } /** * @brief This function is the implementation for tcp_recv LwIP callback * @param arg: pointer on a argument for the tcp_pcb connection * @param tpcb: pointer on the tcp_pcb connection * @param pbuf: pointer on the received pbuf * @param err: error information regarding the reveived pbuf * @retval err_t: error code */ static err_t tcp_server_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err) { struct tcp_server_struct *es; err_t ret_err; LWIP_ASSERT("arg != NULL",arg != NULL); es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg; /* if we receive an empty tcp frame from client => close connection */ if (p == NULL) { /* remote host closed connection */ es->state = ES_CLOSING; if(es->p == NULL) { /* we're done sending, close connection */ tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es); } else { /* send remaining data*/ tcp_server_send(tpcb, es); } ret_err = ERR_OK; } /* else : a non empty frame was received from client but for some reason err != ERR_OK */ else if(err != ERR_OK) { /* free received pbuf*/ if (p != NULL) { pbuf_free(p); } ret_err = err; } else if(es->state == ES_ACCEPTED) { /* first data chunk in p->payload */ es->state = ES_RECEIVED; /* store reference to incoming pbuf (chain) */ es->p = p; /* send back the data */ tcp_server_send(tpcb, es); ret_err = ERR_OK; } else if (es->state == ES_RECEIVED) { /* more data received from client and previous data has been already sent*/ if(es->p == NULL) { es->p = p; /* send back data */ tcp_server_send(tpcb, es); } else { struct pbuf *ptr; /* chain pbufs to the end of what we recv'ed previously */ ptr = es->p; pbuf_cat(ptr,p); } ret_err = ERR_OK; } else { /* unknown es->state, trash data */ tcp_recved(tpcb, p->tot_len); es->p = NULL; pbuf_free(p); ret_err = ERR_OK; } return ret_err; } /** * @brief This function implements the tcp_err callback function (called * when a fatal tcp_connection error occurs. * @param arg: pointer on argument parameter * @param err: not used * @retval None */ static void tcp_server_error(void *arg, err_t err) { struct tcp_server_struct *es; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(err); es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg; if (es != NULL) { /* free es structure */ mem_free(es); } } /** * @brief This function implements the tcp_poll LwIP callback function * @param arg: pointer on argument passed to callback * @param tpcb: pointer on the tcp_pcb for the current tcp connection * @retval err_t: error code */ static err_t tcp_server_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb) { err_t ret_err; struct tcp_server_struct *es; es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg; if (es != NULL) { if (es->p != NULL) { /* there is a remaining pbuf (chain) , try to send data */ tcp_server_send(tpcb, es); } else { /* no remaining pbuf (chain) */ if(es->state == ES_CLOSING) { /* close tcp connection */ tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es); } } ret_err = ERR_OK; } else { /* nothing to be done */ tcp_abort(tpcb); ret_err = ERR_ABRT; } return ret_err; } /** * @brief This function implements the tcp_sent LwIP callback (called when ACK * is received from remote host for sent data) * @param None * @retval None */ static err_t tcp_server_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len) { struct tcp_server_struct *es; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(len); es = (struct tcp_server_struct *)arg; es->retries = 0; if(es->p != NULL) { /* still got pbufs to send */ tcp_sent(tpcb, tcp_server_sent); tcp_server_send(tpcb, es); } else { /* if no more data to send and client closed connection*/ if(es->state == ES_CLOSING) tcp_server_connection_close(tpcb, es); } return ERR_OK; } /** * @brief This function is used to send data for tcp connection * @param tpcb: pointer on the tcp_pcb connection * @param es: pointer on state structure * @retval None */ uint32_t counter = 0; static void tcp_server_send(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es) { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // ENTIRE FUNCTION REWRITTEN HERE // FunctionDebug(4,0,0); uint16_t length = es-> p -> len; // Length of packet uint8_t packetType = 0; uint8_t free; // Free variable to check when freeing pbufs int8_t err; if (length == 8 || length == 30 || length == 34) {} else { printf("Different Length: %lu\n", counter); counter = 0; } memcpy((char*)payloadbuffer,es-> p -> payload,es-> p -> len); // Copy packet into buffer packetType = ValidatePacket(payloadbuffer, length); // Check for checksum and length errors if (packetType != 0) { length = ProcessPacket(payloadbuffer, packetType); if (length != 0) { // Copy response packet and place it into LWIP pbuf memcpy(txPBUF[txPBUF_count] -> payload, (char*)payloadbuffer, length); txPBUF[txPBUF_count] -> len = length; txPBUF[txPBUF_count] -> tot_len = length; if (txPBUF[txPBUF_count]->len <= tcp_sndbuf(tpcb)) { err = tcp_write(tpcb, txPBUF[txPBUF_count]->payload, txPBUF[txPBUF_count]->len, 1); // Queue the data to be sent back and send //printf("Write: (%p), err: %i\n", (void *) tpcb -> unsent, err); if (err != 0) { printf("tcp_write error\n"); } else { counter++; } } else { printf("length too big\n"); } txPBUF_count++; if (txPBUF_count >= PBUF_NUM) {txPBUF_count = 0;} } else {} } else {} tcp_recved(tpcb, es -> p -> len); pbuf_ref(es -> p); do { free = pbuf_free(es -> p); } while(free == 0); es -> p = NULL; // OWN CODE ENDS HERE //--------------------------------------------------------------- } /** * @brief This functions closes the tcp connection * @param tcp_pcb: pointer on the tcp connection * @param es: pointer on state structure * @retval None */ static void tcp_server_connection_close(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct tcp_server_struct *es) { /* remove all callbacks */ tcp_arg(tpcb, NULL); tcp_sent(tpcb, NULL); tcp_recv(tpcb, NULL); tcp_err(tpcb, NULL); tcp_poll(tpcb, NULL, 0); /* delete es structure */ if (es != NULL) { mem_free(es); } /* close tcp connection */ tcp_close(tpcb); } #endif /* LWIP_TCP */