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[lwip-users] lwip on pico_w

From: Edward Vidal
Subject: [lwip-users] lwip on pico_w
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 16:54:34 +0000 (UTC)

hello all.
static mqtt_client_t* saved_mqtt_client = NULL;
static u8_t mqtt_connected = 1;
static u8_t check_mqtt_connected;
  check_mqtt_connected = mqtt_client_is_connected(saved_mqtt_client);
  if (check_mqtt_connected == 0) {
  mqtt_client_is_connected 1 if connected to server, 0 otherwise 
The above was working before adding cyw43_arch_lwip_begin(); & cyw43_arch_lwip_end();
Does anyone having any ideas on a fix?
Thanks in advance.

This is latest status.
commit 74825dad9e56672051e0e1dc9386f618f057eb3a (HEAD -> dev, origin/dev)
Author: Edward Vidal Jr <develone@sbcglobal.net>
Date:   Mon May 22 05:20:09 2023 -0600

    ver 0.0.08

url = "">
7 FreeRTOS tasks are running on the pico_w
TEST_TASK connects to WiFi and mqtt tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2UL
SOCKET_TASK tcp socket to pico_w provides debug info tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 6UL
MQTT_TASK publish subscribe model tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 4UL
ADC_TASK tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 8UL reads onboard temperature sensor
Time is set on the pico_w using ntp

This is 6 of six remotes mosquitto_sub -t 'pico/status' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123'
Onboard temperature = 30.42 C remote3
Onboard temperature = 31.35 C remote2
Onboard temperature = 33.69 C remote5
Onboard temperature = 31.35 C remote4
Onboard temperature = 29.01 C remote6
Onboard temperature = 30.42 C remote1

Sending 10 characters provides several commands to the pico_w.
#first char 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or x all remotes
#2nd char  1 alarm pico-cmd-alarm, 2 led control pico-cmd, 3 reset  pico-cmd-reset
#2nd char  6, 7, 8, 9 to to be defined.
#3rd & 4th are alarmhour when the 2nd char is 1
#6th & 7th are alarmmin when the 2nd char is 1
#8th & 9th are arlamsec when the 2nd char is 1

#2nd char  4 temperature
../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50 where pi4-50 broker
../pico-cmd-C pi4-50 where pi4-50 broker
#2nd char  5 temperature

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50 where pi4-50 broker
../pico-cmd-F pi4-50 where pi4-50 broker
#2nd char  5 temperature

Onboard temperature = 86.75 F remote1
Onboard temperature = 85.91 F remote3
Onboard temperature = 87.59 F remote2
Onboard temperature = 92.65 F remote5
Onboard temperature = 89.28 F remote4
Onboard temperature = 84.22 F remote6

This command can not be done twice in a row ../pico-cmd pi4-50 requires ../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50 before the 2nd ../pico-cmd pi4-50
These are examples of how 4 leds are cpntrolled using the pico-cmd #2
/*These are are fix for bits[0] &bits[1] not being read correctly*/
                    if((bits[val]==0x746f6d65)&&(val==0)) mask = 0x3f << FIRST_GPIO;
                    if((bits[val]==0x3565)&&(val==1)) mask = 0x3e << FIRST_GPIO;
                    if(val>1) mask = bits[val] << FIRST_GPIO;
../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '520820000a'
val    0    16515072    mask    0xFC0000

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '521820000a'
val    1    0x3565    mask    0xF80000    16252928 bits 0x3565

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50                   
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '522820000a'
val 2 mask 15990784 bits 0x3d

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '523820000a'
val 3 mask 15728640 bits 0x3c

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '524820000a'
val 4 mask 15466496 bits 0x3b

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50                   
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '525820000a'                    
val 5 mask 15204352 bits 0x3a

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '526820000a'
val 6 mask 14942208 bits 0x39

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '527820000a'
val 7 mask 14680064 bits 0x38

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50                   
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '528820000a'
val 8 mask 14417920 bits 0x37

../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m '529820000a'

This is an example of setting the alarm on all remotes.
../pico-cmd-reset pi4-50
../pico-cmd-alarm pi4-50
mosquitto_pub  -h $1 -p 1883 -t 'pico/cmds' -u 'testuser' -P 'password123' -m 'x11141000a'
Alarm Fired At Sunday 18 May 11:41:00 2023

This is an example of iperf

devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote1
Client connecting to remote1, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 49372 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-10.0461 sec  20.5 MBytes  17.1 Mbits/sec
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote2
Client connecting to remote2, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 57622 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-10.0581 sec  20.0 MBytes  16.7 Mbits/sec
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote3
connect failed: Operation now in progress
Client connecting to remote3, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: -1.000 Byte (default)
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote4
Client connecting to remote4, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 39430 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-10.0412 sec  20.1 MBytes  16.8 Mbits/sec
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote5
Client connecting to remote5, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 55942 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-10.0525 sec  18.5 MBytes  15.4 Mbits/sec
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ iperf -c remote6
Client connecting to remote6, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 49772 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3] 0.0000-10.0407 sec  20.4 MBytes  17.0 Mbits/sec

This is an example of sock_task for debug info.
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli1
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
5/2023 12:02:04  22/05/2023 12:02:35  22/05/2023 12:03:06  22/05/2023 12:03:37  22/05/2023 12:04:08  22/05/2023 12:04:39 t = 1883   22/05/2023 11:53:48  22/05/2023 11:54:19 Alarm Fired Sunday 22 May 11:54:48 2023  22/05/2023 11:54:50  22/05/2023 11:55:21  22/05/2023 11:55:52  22/05/2023 11:56:23  22/05/2023 11:56:54  22/05/2023 11:57:25  22/05/2023 11:57:56  22/05/2023 11:58:27  22�0s�
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli2
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
5/2023 12:03:42  22/05/2023 12:04:13  22/05/2023 12:04:44  iperf server 4001  mqtt_ip = 0xd401a8c0 mqtt_port = 1883   22/05/2023 11:55:26  22/05/2023 11:55:57 Alarm Fired Sunday 22 May 11:56:26 2023  22/05/2023 11:56:28  22/05/2023 11:56:59  22/05/2023 11:57:30  22/05/2023 11:58:01  22/05/2023 11:58:32  22/05/2023 11:59:03  22/05/2023 11:59:34  22/05/2023 12:00:05  22`.��
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli3
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
Starting FreeRTOS on core 0: ver 0.0.08 remote3 Connected. iperf server 4001  mqtt_ip = 0xd401a8c0 mqtt_port = 1883   22/05/2023 12:03:52  22/05/2023 12:04:23 Alarm Fired Sunday 22 May 12:04:52 2023  22/05/2023 12:04:54 234567890123456789012301234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901230123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli4
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
Starting FreeRTOS on core 0: ver 0.0.08 remote4 Connected. iperf server 4001  mqtt_ip = 0xd401a8c0 mqtt_port = 1883   22/05/2023 11:59:49  22/05/2023 12:00:20  22/05/2023 12:00:51  22/05/2023 12:01:22  22/05/2023 12:01:53  22/05/2023 12:02:24  22/05/2023 12:02:55  22/05/2023 12:03:26  22/05/2023 12:03:57  22/05/2023 12:04:28  22/05/2023 12:04:59  22/05/2023 12:05:30 30�<�
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli5
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
Starting FreeRTOS on core 0: ver 0.0.08 remote5 Connected. iperf server 4001  mqtt_ip = 0xd401a8c0 mqtt_port = 1883   22/05/2023 11:58:50  22/05/2023 11:59:21 Alarm Fired Sunday 22 May 11:59:50 2023  22/05/2023 11:59:52  22/05/2023 12:00:23  22/05/2023 12:00:54  22/05/2023 12:01:25  22/05/2023 12:01:56  22/05/2023 12:02:27  22/05/2023 12:02:58  22/05/2023 12:03:29  22���
devel@pi4-50:~/pico_w-mqtt/remote1 $ ../pi_tcp_tests/cli6
Socket created successfully
Connected with server successfully
Starting FreeRTOS on core 0: ver 0.0.08 remote6 Connected. iperf server 4001  mqtt_ip = 0xd401a8c0 mqtt_port = 1883   22/05/2023 12:01:43  22/05/2023 12:02:14 Alarm Fired Sunday 22 May 12:02:43 2023  22/05/2023 12:02:45  22/05/2023 12:03:16  22/05/2023 12:03:47  22/05/2023 12:04:18  22/05/2023 12:04:49  22/05/2023 12:05:20  22/05/2023 12:05:51 012345678901234567890123pƊ�

This is shortly after start

 ../pico-cmd-C pi4-50
data[2] 7 tbits25 7                                                             
rem 255 cc 4 remote1                                                            
Onboard temperature = 31.35 C

default after boot.
Onboard temperature = 30.42 C remote3
Onboard temperature = 31.35 C remote2
Onboard temperature = 33.69 C remote5
Onboard temperature = 31.35 C remote4
Onboard temperature = 29.01 C remote6
Onboard temperature = 30.42 C remote1

data[2] 7 tbits25 7                                                             
rem 255 cc 5 remote1                                                            

Onboard temperature = 86.75 F remote1
Onboard temperature = 85.91 F remote3
Onboard temperature = 87.59 F remote2
Onboard temperature = 92.65 F remote5
Onboard temperature = 89.28 F remote4
Onboard temperature = 84.22 F remote6

Edward Vidal Jr. e-mail develone@sbcglobal.net 915-595-1613

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