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[Lilypond-auto] Issue 4538 in lilypond: Provide \markupMap music functio

From: lilypond
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 4538 in lilypond: Provide \markupMap music function
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 15:42:29 +0000

Status: Started
Owner: address@hidden
Labels: Type-Enhancement Patch-new

New issue 4538 by address@hidden: Provide \markupMap music function

Provide \markupMap music function

This applies a markup function to all markup music properties matching a
given music property path.

For example,

\new Voice { g'2 c'' }
\addlyrics {
  \markupMap LyricEvent.text
             \markup \with-color #red \etc
             { Oh yes! }

Also contains commits:

Export markup-function? and markup-list-function?

Add check-music-path function

I'm not overly enthused about the interface, but it does provide some functionality that I've missed at times while reusing parser functionality already useful for other purposes.

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