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[igraph-announce] igraph 0.5.2 released

From: Gábor Csárdi
Subject: [igraph-announce] igraph 0.5.2 released
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 11:17:16 +0200

Dear All,

the igraph 0.5.2 release process is about to finish.

The R packages have been uploaded to CRAN, although not all CRAN
mirrors have it yet. Try downloading from the igraph homepage at
http://igraph.sf.net if your mirror still has the old version. There
are no R packages for Mac OSX yet, hopefully they will be uploaded

The Python interface is not yet updated, I believe that it is coming soon.

A short summary of the new features is included at the end of this
email. As usual, see the igraph homepage at http://igraph.sf.net for
the complete list.

Thank You very much for your code, bug reports, suggestions!

Best Regards,



This is another bug fix release, with a couple of new features. Here
are the important ones. See the news page for the complete list of

Bipartite graphs

Bipartite graphs have two kinds of vertices and edges are only allowed
to connect opposite kinds. Think of the Hollywood movie graph with
actors and movies. igraph 0.5.2 now contains some functions to deal
with these kind of networks. See them in the R manual:
graph.bipartite(), graph.incidence(), get.incidence(),
bipartite.projection(), is.bipartite(); or in the C reference manual.

The label propagation community finding algorithm

This is a simple and intuitive community finding algorithm, published
by Raghavan et al. in 2007 (see docs for full citation). It works by
assigning labels to the vertices and then updating the labels based on
majority voting among the neighbors. See it in the R manual or in the
C library reference.

3D version of the DrL layout generator

The DrL layout generator was extended to generate three dimensional
layouts. Albeit slower than the regular 2D version, this is a nice
addition for those who do visualization in 3D. See more in the R
manual or in the C library reference manual.

(Limited) R GUI

A minimal, supported GUI is included now in the R package. It contains
only a small fraction of igraph capabilities, but can be still useful,
e.g. in teaching. You can start it by typing tkigraph(), after loading
the igraph package of course.

Johnson's shortest path algorithm

Johnson's algorithm is a good choice for finding all shortest paths in
a network that has some negative edge weights, but no negative
cycles. More in the R docs and in the C manual.

Average nearest neighbor degree

A new function was added to calculate the average degree of the
neighbors of all or some vertices. It supports the edge weighted
version of the measure as well. Details in the R manual and in the C

Curved edges in R plots

Both plot() and tkplot() support curved edges. See ?igraph.plotting
for more details.

Several bugs and memory leaks corrected

See the news page for the complete list of changes. Apart from the bug
fixes, some functions were rewritten to speed them up.

Gabor Csardi <address@hidden>     UNIL DGM

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