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[igraph-announce] igraph 0.3.3 released

From: Gabor Csardi
Subject: [igraph-announce] igraph 0.3.3 released
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 19:09:53 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.12-2006-07-14

Dear All,

0.3.3 is ready. It is available from the igraph homepage, from
SourceForge and the R packages from the main CRAN site.

The list of changes:

New in the C library

* igraph_connect_neighborhood, nomen est omen
* igraph_watts_strogatz_game and igraph_rewire_edges
* K-core decomposition: igraph_coreness
* Clique and independent vertex set related functions:
  igraph_cliques, igraph_independent_vertex_sets,
  igraph_maximal_cliques, igraph_maximal_independent_vertex_sets,
  igraph_independence_number, igraph_clique_number,
  Some of these function were ported from the very_nauty library
  of Keith Briggs, thanks Keith!
* The GraphML file format now supports graph attributes
* Transitivity calculation speeded up
* Correct transitivity calculation for multigraphs (ie. non-simple graphs)

New in the R interface

* connect.neighborhood
* watts.strogatz.game and rewire.edges
* K-core decomposition: graph.coreness
* added the 'innei' and 'outnei' shorthands for vertex sequence indexing
  see help(iterators)
* Clique and independent vertex set related functions:
  cliques, largest.cliques, maximal.cliques, clique.number,
  independent.vertex.sets, largest.independent.vertex.sets,
  maximal.independent.vertex.sets, independence.number
* The GraphML file format now supports graph attributes
* edge.lty argument added to plot.igraph and tkplot
* Transitivity calculation speeded up
* Correct transitivity calculation for multigraphs (ie. non-simple graphs)
* alpha.centrality added, calculates Bonacich alpha centrality, see docs.

Bugs corrected

* 'make install' installs the library correctly on Cygwin now
* Pajek parser corrected to read files with MacOS newline characters correctly
* overflow bug in transitivity calculation for large graphs corrected 
* an internal memcpy/memmove bug causing some segfaults removed 
* R interface: tkplot bug with graphs containing a 'name' attribute
* R interface: attribute handling bug when adding vertices
* R interface: color selection bug corrected
* R interface: plot.igraph when plotting loops

Csardi Gabor <address@hidden>    MTA RMKI, ELTE TTK

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