warning: function /usr/share/octave/packages/strings-1.1.0/strjoin.m shadows a core library function warning: /home/davidj/Octave/interpolsvd.m: possible Matlab-style short-circuit operator at line 71, column 11 parse error near line 273 of file /home/davidj/Octave/interpolsvd.m nested functions not implemented in this context >>> function [y,nrowy] = embedy(x,D,T,displ) ^ parse error near line 318 of file /home/davidj/Octave/interpolsvd.m nested functions not implemented in this context >>> function y = smooth_gauss(x,ns) ^ parse error near line 367 of file /home/davidj/Octave/interpolsvd.m nested functions not implemented in this context >>> function x = deembedy(y,nset,T,displ) ^ error: source: error sourcing file '/home/davidj/Octave/interpolsvd.m'