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Re: GUI frontend for Octave

From: Michael Grossbach
Subject: Re: GUI frontend for Octave
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:27:07 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Riccardo Corradini wrote:
I have recently modified SciTe (scintilla GTK  editor) to handle simple error 
in octave  using  the  same strategy  for  Lua language.
If anybody is interested I could write more on this subject ..
I have a similar behavior for python language
Riccardo Kamaraju Kusumanchi <address@hidden> ha scritto: >
If you really want to see something happen, why not ask your
organization you work for to pay and support the development of a
Octave-GUI ?

Wow! Hold on there a minute. Thinking from a manager's point of view, what competitive advantage does it give to the company to develop a octave GUI when a perfectly useful command line alternative is available?

Another thing that comes to my mind is this. There is a package called texmacs which provides a GUI for octave 2.1. However it does not work with octave 2.9. Upon searching further, I found out http:// where it says

A first experimental interface between TeXmacs and GNU Octave has been written by Michael Graffam. Unfortunately, we get little
help from the main Octave  developers for the improvement of the
interface and the integration of patches into the mainline of Octave.
So, if you like the idea of using Octave from inside TeXmacs, then
please help advertising it.

Based on this, If I am the manager I wouldn't put money into making a GUI unless the project is approved by the lead developers of octave. AFAIK, money is not the issue here. It is how much the lead developers of octave want to have a GUI...

You can say it is GPL, you can write your own code etc., I understand all that. If I desperately want a GUI, I probably will do that. But I have a feeling that money is not the stumbling block here.

raju (with his flame suite on)

Yes, could you please elaborate a little on what exactly SciTE does in case of an error - line-highlighting as in the python example on the SciTE web page? That is exactly what my students would love to have as they seem to be confused by the detailed text messages octave provides (I'm not saying that they are too extensive - it's just that they seem to confuse beginners).



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