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Re: Multivariate pdf of a normal distribution

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: Multivariate pdf of a normal distribution
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 18:29:58 -0500

On Nov 5, 2005, at 5:10 PM, Mike Miller wrote:

On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Paul Kienzle wrote:

The math looks pretty easy to implement:

Using Cholesky factorization on the positive definite covariance matrix:

why not this?:

density = mvnorm_pdf(x, mu, Sigma)

# first check array sizes, but I'm skipping that

p = length(x);

density = (2*pi)^(-p/2) * (1/sqrt(det(Sigma))) * exp(-.5*(x-mu)'*inv(Sigma)*(x-mu));

Of course, the density goes to infinity when Sigma is singular. Is your use of chol() just meant to check that the matrix is PD?

The wikipedia entry on cholesky decomposition ( suggests it is faster and more stable than the lu decomposition which would be used to compute the inverse. The speed doesn't matter in this case, but accuracy is always a concern. The side effect of checking positive definiteness of sigma is a bonus.

Some numerical tests with e.g.,

n=11; x = prolate(n); cn=cond(x), d=norm(x*inv(x)-eye(n)), r=chol(x); c=norm(x*inv(r)*inv(r)'-eye(n)),

shows that it chol() is indeed a little better than inv() for ill-conditioned positive definite matrices. The function prolate() is from higham's test matrix toolbox.

Similarly for hilb(), though norm(inv(x) - invhilb(n)) and norm(inv(r)*inv(r)' - invhilb(n)) are both pretty bad.

- Paul

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