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Re: Palm Devices

From: Neil Davey
Subject: Re: Palm Devices
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 23:03:54 +1000 (EST)

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, John W. Eaton wrote:

> On 21-Oct-1999, Tony Jebara <address@hidden> wrote:
> | I know this is really unlikely but is there a chance that
> | a very slimmed down version of Octave will be ported
> | to palm devices (i.e. Palm Pilot) anytime?
> Probably not by me, unless someone provided a lot of funding for this
> particular project.
> But as always, Octave is free software, so you are free to port it to
> this hardware yourself, or hire someone to do it for you, or just wait
> for someone else to do it because they want to.
> | There are some programmable calculators available for
> | palm pilots that do graphing, branching, functions,
> | conditionals, linear algebra, etc. already so the hardware
> | could accommodate it somewhat.
> How much memory do these systems have available for programs to run?

most palm's only have a few meg of memory, it depends on the palm.. some
had 1meg, palm III has 2 meg, defaultly, but can be upgraded for a a
price. On my palm III, I have about 1.5 meg of 2 meg free for programs 

> What kind of OS (i.e., does it look anything like Unix?).

it is not a unix like os, it is a graphical system. There is a gcc cross
compiler so you can develop and build apps on your pc..

The palm hardware is fairly powerful, and the code is fairly small since
there are a fair amount of routines in ROM, but I think an octave port
would not be a trivial thing....


> jwe
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Neil Davey
Postgraduate Research Student
Radio Science Laboratory
School of Microelectronic Engineering
Griffith University, Nathan, QLD Australia 4111
Ph: 3875 5574
Fax: 3875 5198
Mobile: 0414 662 110


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