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Re: octave script in cgi-bin

From: Mike Miller
Subject: Re: octave script in cgi-bin
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 21:15:47 -0500 (CDT)

Here's my conclusion on the octave script in cgi-bin issue.  Obviously,
the octave script begins with something such as

#!/usr/local/bin/octave -qf

If the first line after that is

disp(['Content-type: text/plain\n'])

then the remaining output of the script will be displayed as plain text.
It isn't necessary to include HTML codes.  The "Content-type" line and
newline are *not* displayed and are not seen when using "View Source" in
the browser.

Thanks to everyone who wrote with suggestions!



Michael B. Miller
University of Missouri--Columbia

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