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Re: Matlab's Ode45 like function

From: Michael Hanke
Subject: Re: Matlab's Ode45 like function
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 16:48:29 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, josu jugo wrote:

> I want find an octave version of the ode suite of Matlab. I know the function 
> lsode but I am
> interested in the function ode45. Nobody has an octave version?.
Unfortunately, me not. But I wrote certain interface routine for
initial value solvers. They are biased towards my personal interests
(dae's). Maybe, they are also useful for you.

Hope that helps


|  Michael Hanke                Royal Institute of Technology   |
|                               NADA                            |
|                               S-10044 Stockholm               |
|                               Sweden                          |
|  Visiting address:            Lindstedtsvaegen 3              |
|  Phone:                       + (46) (8) 790 6278             |
|  Fax:                         + (46) (8) 790 0930             |
|  Email:                       address@hidden               |
|                               address@hidden       |

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