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Re: install on Sun U10

From: Thomas Walter
Subject: Re: install on Sun U10
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 16:55:48 +0200

>>>>> "royle" == royle  <address@hidden> writes:

    royle> Hi Folks,
    royle>  I have installed Octave successfully on my pentium Linux box and
    royle> am trying to get it running on a Sun Ultra running Solaris 2.6.
    royle> I ran ./configure and that went well, but when I do the make 
    royle> I get literally thousands of lines output that look like those
    royle> shown below.  Apparently, I'm missing something but I'm not
    royle> quite sure what it is. Can someone give me a hint?

    royle> BTW, thanks to all for pointers to the manual yesterday.

    royle> kind regards
    royle> andy

    royle> pt-exp-base.h:30: string: No such file or directory
    royle> In file included from

Your compiler cannot find the C++ header files.  Either you are not
allowed to read them or they are missing or at a strange place.
Check the common places for C/C++ header files.

If you are using 'gcc':
Edit the Makefile and add '-v' to the compile flags (CXXFLAGS) and
call 'make' again.  Then you should see where it looks for the files.

If not 'gcc':
Use a command like 'locate', 'whereis' or 'find' to look for the
header files.


Der dauerhafte Zustand eines Luftballons.

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3                          Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany                 email: address@hidden

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