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Subject: misc.
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 13:19:54 -0600 (CST)

 1 .)  I have successfully installed Octave on Linux RH6.0., following
 the standard ( easiest ) procedure  outlined in your installation
 instruction.  This way all the files and directories are in
 /usr/local/bin,..etc .etc.
 However I wanted to create a single directory, /usr/local/octave/ which
 will store all the octave files and I tried in the following way, but
 mkdir /usr/local/octave       (as roo )
 cp  /usr/local/octave
 cd /usr/local/octave
 gunzip -c octave-2.0.14.tar.gz | tar xf -
 This creates the directory : octave-2.0.14.  Then I typed 'compile' or 
 'compile--src=/usr/local/octave' did,t work.  So I tried:
 cd octave-2.0.14
 make prefix=/usr/loca/octave
 make install
 make clean
 make distclean
 All these did not create the directory /usr/local/octave containing all
 files and dirs.  I got what I had previously:  /usr/local/bin ...etc.,
 Would you please give me the commands systematically to create such a
 /usr/local/octave dir where all the octave files and dirs will reside
 and no where else ?
 2) I could not locate the LEAST SQUARE SOLN. of  a linear system like
      Ax = B.  Matlab and IMSL do include this.  Does't  Octave  include
      often used code ?
 3)  Is it possible to send a short sample code for interfacing octave
 with C/C++?
 Hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
                 Thanking you,
                                         Sincerely Yours,
                                         A. K. Mitra, address@hidden
                                         Aug.4, 1999


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