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Missing discontinuity in plot

From: Vivek
Subject: Missing discontinuity in plot
Date: 8 Jul 1999 17:56:25 -0000


This is a question related to gnuplot and octave.

If a data file contains blank line, gnuplot interprets it as a
discontinuity. This is very convenient to plot discontinuity to mark the
domain where a function is uundefined or data is not available.

However, if we make octave to read such data file (say xy.dat that contains
twoo columns corresponding to x and y)  as in

        load -f "xy.dat"

and the plot it using

        plot( xy(:,1), xy(:,2) )

then octave wouldn't be able to recognise any discontinuity in the given
data.  So, presently, I just use gplot "xy.dat" w l

Is there any way to represent such discontinuities in octave?



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