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Re: plotting from within octave "scripts"

From: Stefano Ghirlanda
Subject: Re: plotting from within octave "scripts"
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 19:38:06 +0000 (/etc/localtime)

> I was trying to write self-contained scripts in octave via the #!
> facility. Everything seems to work fine except for plotting commands -
> gnuplot window does not come up.  The script (program, rather) works fine,
> plotting and all, when run from an octave interactive prompt. What could
> be the problem?

it might be that your script is very quick in executing. the gnuplot
instance that octave talks to is "internal" to each octave run, as soon as
the script finishes executing gnuplot dies, and your plot with it.
If this is the case, look at the help for 'pause' within gnuplot. You may
send a graw("pause") command at the end of your script (i don't remember
if graw() has been included in the stable distribution)


 Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
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