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diary command not functioning properly

From: Gary Church
Subject: diary command not functioning properly
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 19:09:33 PST


I'm using Octave 2.0.13 for OS/2 and have had good luck with
almost everything I've tried to do. I have had a few problems

Right now the major problem I'm having is with the diary command
when used in conjunction with scripts and functions. For example,
when I run a script in a session under emacs, I see (the '****'
are meant to delimit the output):

octave:13>diary bezier.out
diary bezier.out
bezier is the file: I:/octave/scripts/Phys240/bezier.m

 bezier - Program to draw a bezier curve using four
 control points.
 Assumes points are in two dimensions ([x, y]).

Enter control point 1: [0 0]
[0 0]
Enter control point 2: [1 1]
[1 1]
Enter control point 3: [0 1]
[0 1]
Enter control point 4: [1 0]
[1 0]
octave:15>diary off
diary off

However, the file "bezier.out" contains:

bezier is the file: I:/octave/scripts/Phys240/bezier.m

 bezier - Program to draw a bezier curve using four
 control points.
 Assumes points are in two dimensions ([x, y]).

Enter control point 1: Enter control point 2: Enter control
point 3: Enter control point 4: 

What do I have to do to get it to look like the former?

Thanks alot,

Carl Sagan:

"In order to make an apple pie from
scratch, you must first create the

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