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Re: Variable name in legend of Plot.

From: niles
Subject: Re: Variable name in legend of Plot.
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 95 09:26:10 -0400

>I would like to get the variable name in legend of a plot.
>Although I noticed looking through the ".m" files that:
>#   The legend may be fixed to include the name of the variable
>#   plotted in some future version of Octave.
>I thought I would ask anyway.
>I would like to be able to change "line 1" to my variable name.  Has 
>anyone done this?  If so, can you please share with me what I need to 
>do to accomplish this?  Thanks.

Here's a patch to plot_opt.m that will give this ability.


'line 1' will be replaced by Cool_Signal.  However, currently it
doesn't work with spaces.  The problem lies in:

          [char, opt] = sscanf (opt, "%c %s");

'opt' will only get the rest of the format string up to a space.  This
will all be fixed in the next official version of octave, which will
support indexing of arrays.

        Good Luck,
        Rick Niles.

*** plot_opt.m.orig     Fri Apr 21 22:45:49 1995
--- plot_opt.m  Mon Sep 25 22:44:10 1995
*************** function fmt = plot_opt (caller, opt)
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,48 ----
  #   "n"   with n in 1-6 (wraps at 8), plot color
  #   "nm"  with m in 1-6 (wraps at 6), point style (only valid with "@" or 
  #   "c"   where c is one of ["r", "g", "b", "m", "c", "w"] colors.
+ # ";title;" where "title" is the label for the key.
  #   Special points formats:
*************** function fmt = plot_opt (caller, opt)
*** 70,75 ****
--- 71,77 ----
    set_steps = 0;
    set_boxes = 0;
    set_errbars = 0;
+   set_key = 0;
    more = 1;
    WITH = "w";
*************** function fmt = plot_opt (caller, opt)
*** 82,87 ****
--- 84,90 ----
    IMPULSES = "i";
    STEPS = "s";
    ERRORBARS = "e";
+   TITLE = "title";
    if (nargin != 2)
      usage ("plot_opt (opt)");
*************** function fmt = plot_opt (caller, opt)
*** 165,170 ****
--- 168,194 ----
        set_points = 1;
        set_symbol = 1;
        symbol = "4";
+     elseif (strcmp (char, ";"))  %% title mode.
+       set_key = 1;
+       working = 1;
+       key_title = "";
+       while (working)
+         if (max (size (opt)) > 1)
+           [char, opt] = sscanf (opt, "%c %s");
+         else
+         char = opt;
+         if(!strcmp(char,";"))
+             error(sprintf ("Unfinished key label in %s", caller));
+           end
+           more = 0;
+           working = 0;
+         endif
+         if strcmp (char, ";")
+           working = 0;
+         else
+           key_title = strcat (key_title, char);
+         endif
+       endwhile
        error (sprintf ("%s: unrecognized format character %s", caller, char));
*************** function fmt = plot_opt (caller, opt)
*** 211,214 ****
--- 235,241 ----
      fmt = strcat (fmt, " 1 ", symbol);
+   if (set_key)
+     fmt = strcat (fmt, " ", TITLE, ' "', key_title, '" ');
+   endif

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