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guix home: no target of type 'home-profile' for service 'home-bash'

From: Dustin Lyons
Subject: guix home: no target of type 'home-profile' for service 'home-bash'
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:46:29 -0400


I had a working guix home configuration, happily importing all of my
dotfiles into the guix store, but a most recent guix pull broke it. I now

1) an error due to no 'home-profile' and
2) none of my services to be found and instead a generic fontconfig service
to be built, resulting in a completely empty home configuration.

I've been debugging on my end but am failing to find a solution. Did
something change? I confirmed in the repl that I'm passing a list of valid
simple-service types into my (home-environment). Do I need to provide
something else? I'm new to guix, so any debugging tips would also be

Github link:

*Error running guix home reconfigure:*
$ guix home --load-path=./build reconfigure ./build/felix-home.scm

*error: channel: unbound variablehint: Did you forget `(use-modules (guix
channels))'?error: desktop-operating-system: unbound variablehint: Did you
forget a `use-modules' form?felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/.Xmodmap' relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13:
warning: resolving 'build/picom/picom.conf' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/.Xresources'
relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/polybar/colors.ini' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/polybar/bars.ini'
relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/polybar/modules.ini' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/polybar/config.ini' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/Thunar/uca.xml'
relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/dunst/dunstrc' relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13:
warning: resolving 'build/printers/printers.conf' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/alacritty/alacritty.yml' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/emacs/zeroed-theme.el' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/openbox/autostart'
relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving
'build/openbox/rc.xml' relative to current directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13:
warning: resolving 'build/rofi/' relative to current
directoryfelix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/rofi/theme.rasi'
relative to current directoryguix home: error: no target of type
'home-profile' for service 'home-bash'make: *** [Makefile:32:
--install-felix-home] Error 1*

*Source file ./build/felix-home.scm:*

(define-module (felix-home)
  #:use-module (gnu home)
  #:use-module (desktop)
  #:use-module (dl utils)
  #:use-module (gnu home-services)
  #:use-module (gnu home-services shells)
  #:use-module (gnu services)
  #:use-module (gnu system)
  #:use-module (gnu packages)
  #:use-module (guix build utils)
  #:use-module (gnu packages admin)
  #:use-module (guix gexp))

;; Returns a list of home-file-service structs for each dotfile
(define (dl/generate-dotfiles-services dotfiles)
  (if (null? dotfiles)
  (let ((config-file (string-append "config/" (car dotfiles)))
        (build-file (string-append "build/" (car dotfiles))))
      (simple-service 'load-build-files
          (list ;; pair of destination path and source path
            ,(local-file build-file "config"))))
      (dl/generate-dotfiles-services (cdr dotfiles))))))

  (packages (map specification->package+output %dl-packages))
  (services (append (list

(simple-service 'felix-environment-variables
`(("LANG" . "en_US.UTF-8")
("OSH" . "$HOME/Resources/code/oh-my-bash")
("GUIX_PROFILE" . "$HOME/.guix-profile")
("OSH_THEME" . "agnoster")))

(service home-bash-service-type
          (guix-defaults? #f)
          (bashrc '("# Export 'SHELL' to child processes.
# Programs such as 'screen' honor it and otherwise use /bin/sh.
export SHELL
alias ls='ls --color'

# We are being invoked from a non-interactive shell.  If this
# is an SSH session (as in \"ssh host command\"), source
# /etc/profile so we get PATH and other essential variables.
if [[ $- != *i* ]]
[[ -n \"$SSH_CLIENT\" ]] && source \"$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile\"

# Don't do anything else.
# System wide configuration
source /etc/bashrc
# oh-my-BASH!
export OSH=$HOME/Resources/code/oh-my-bash
source $OSH/")))))

;; Generates home-files-services for each dotfile defined
;; throughout configuration inheritance
  (append '(".Xmodmap") %dl-dotfiles)))))

*Source of (home-environment (services)): %dl-dotfiles:*

(define %dl-packages
  (append %dl-packages-workstation %dl-packages-desktop))

(define %dl-dotfiles
  (append %dl-dotfiles-workstation %dl-dotfiles-desktop))

(define %dl-packages-desktop

(define %dl-dotfiles-desktop

(define %dl-packages-workstation

(define %dl-dotfiles-workstation


*Dropping home-bash-service-type, result is no configuration other than
fontconfig built with guix home:*

guix home --load-path=./build reconfigure ./build/felix-home.scm
error: channel: unbound variable
hint: Did you forget `(use-modules (guix channels))'?

error: desktop-operating-system: unbound variable
hint: Did you forget a `use-modules' form?

felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/.Xmodmap' relative to
current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/picom/picom.conf' relative
to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/.Xresources' relative to
current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/polybar/colors.ini'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/polybar/bars.ini' relative
to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/polybar/modules.ini'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/polybar/config.ini'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/Thunar/uca.xml' relative to
current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/dunst/dunstrc' relative to
current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/printers/printers.conf'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/alacritty/alacritty.yml'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/emacs/zeroed-theme.el'
relative to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/openbox/autostart' relative
to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/openbox/rc.xml' relative to
current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/rofi/' relative
to current directory
felix-home.scm:25:13: warning: resolving 'build/rofi/theme.rasi' relative
to current directory
Cleaning up symlinks from previous home-environment.

Removing /home/dustin/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf... done
Removing /home/dustin/.config/fontconfig... done
Skipping /home/dustin/.config (not an empty directory)... done
Removing /home/dustin/.profile... done
Cleanup finished.

New symlinks to home-environment will be created soon.
All conflicting files will go to

Skipping   /home/dustin/.config (directory already exists)... done
Creating   /home/dustin/.config/fontconfig... done
Symlinking /home/dustin/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf ->
/gnu/store/phj2z2iiqdhryfy7mqral0b9qz3hlva6-fonts.conf... done
Symlinking /home/dustin/.profile ->
/gnu/store/fxbppk3pqzdi3zzy0xl5vg1ir6c5jzq5-shell-profile... done
Finished updating symlinks.

/gnu/store/2frj2r4kin54v6xm27c02z3why9qpvbz-home/profile/share/fonts and

done (same)
Evaling on-change gexps.

On-change gexps evaluation finished

Thank you,

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