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Re: Advise on how to debug screen with only GRUB and blinking cursor and

From: Pascal Hambourg
Subject: Re: Advise on how to debug screen with only GRUB and blinking cursor and possibly save my dualboot installation
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 13:28:02 +0100
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Le 20/12/2022 à 13:22, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

- Reduce sda1 and its filesystem by at least 1MB and change the partition type to "Linux filesystem" (or remove the bios_grub flag).
- Create a new 1 MB partition with type "BIOS boot" (or bios_grub flag).

Instead of reducing sda1, you can create a BIOS boot partition in the ~1000kB space between the partition table and sda1 (sectors 40-1023).

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