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Re: Hygienic rewrite of (ice-9 expect)

From: Maxime Devos
Subject: Re: Hygienic rewrite of (ice-9 expect)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:47:27 +0100
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Op 18-11-2023 om 12:29 schreef Daniel Dinnyes:
Hi Maxime,

I am still not sure I understand what you meant.
You've said you weren't referring to technical issue, but also that you "get stuck in some vague loop of sorts and can't figure out what the maybe-issue is".

Regarding what to do with the "patches", I think a git pull should work, or alternatively a rebase would be unlikely to cause conflicts either.

That's not what I meant -- I meant how to review them and what to say about them.

Could you please clarify?

No, my entire point is that I can't clarify.

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