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[Freebangfont-devel] font issues

From: Anirban Mitra
Subject: [Freebangfont-devel] font issues
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:26:09 +0100 (BST)

Kaushik Ghosh wrote
>mitra mono (0.8.0) ngya-ka-hoshou displays with an odd space in
Mitra Mono is a monospace(fixed-width) font, hence each glyph is to
be given equal space. This is quite unnatural for indic scripts
like Bangla, where ukaar and uukaar attach below the preceding
letter or conjunct. Hence odd gaps will come out often in mitra
mono. Moreover it is highly incomplete and do not have most
conjencts and mostly half forms are used instead.
The font is only a work around as IE6 requires a fixed width font
for displaying plain text font. Once Microsoft suppots Bengali in
their OS, hopefully their system font Vrinda will be accepted
instead (as Mangal shows plain text hindi files in IE despite not
being a fixed-width font)


Dr Anirban Mitra 

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