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Re: [Enigma-devel] configure.ac SDL_ttf magic

From: Johannes Fortmann
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] configure.ac SDL_ttf magic
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 17:28:21 +0100

On 5/1/06, Ronald Lamprecht <address@hidden> wrote:
> 2) Change a hardcoded reference in Makefile, static_prefix = /usr/fink
> to match my installation of SDL libraries in /usr/local. We need
> something in configure.ac to figure out the correct setting for this
> automatically.

Figuring that out is not possible in the general case. Basically,
these libraries can be everywhere and nowhere. It's completely up to
the user where they're installed, and quite probably they're not even
all in the same directory. E.g. fink doesn't build a static version of
libxerces-c.a, so even with fink installed, you'll have to build that
yourself (of course, fink also still uses gcc 3.3, which means that
the resulting library is binary incompatible with the one built by
anything that just uses the default compiler).

> 3) Add the copy of the *.xml and *.xsd files that Ronald mentioned in
> his last email.

That one I just forgot, and it should be quite easy

> Once that was done, I could cd src ; make bundle ; make bundle-fw and
> the resulting Enigma.app worked as a Mac app bundle.
> There are other things to fix in addition to the above three items:
> 4) Using cp -R in the Makefile copies the .svn directories and leaves
> the permissions in a state where running make bundle again gets errors.
> I think that the 'install' command has options to do the right thing and
> can be used instead of 'cp -R' or 'cp -r'.

use "find $(top_builddir)/data/levels -name '.svn' -prune ..." as I did
in po/Makefile.in.in

I'd love to. I've been sitting at this for almost an hour, and I'm not
really getting anywhere. Some questions (since you appear to know this
stuff in and out):
- in the Makefile.am, what is the difference between
bundle_name := ../Enigma.app
bundle_name = ../Enigma.app ?
Why is the first one better/more correct?

- In these make scripts, what is the difference between (e.g.) $(dir),
$dir, and $$dir?
This seems like total voodoo to me...
- Also, what's the difference between
find ../data/levels -name '.svn' -prune -o -exec echo '{}' \;
find ../data/levels -name '.svn' -prune -o -exec echo {} \; ?

- Last, is there a way to just install a file and create the missing
directories on the fly? It seems like that should be a somewhat common
task, shouldn't it? There's install -d, which looks like it would do
exactly that, but it doesn't: it only works if the last element in the
path is a directory, not a file.

I think I'd be much enlightened if somebody could answer these questions...

> 5) make clean doesn't delete the Enigma.app directory that is created by
> make bundle
> 6) make bundle and make bundle-fw should somehow be called from the top
> level make install when in MacOSX instead of requiring cd src ; make
> bundle ; make bundle-fw

Both of these are simple, and I've managed to implement them.


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