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[Enigma-devel] Re: Changes Between 0.81 And 0.92

From: Tarim
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Re: Changes Between 0.81 And 0.92
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 21:30:04 +0000

A good philosophy for new versions (unless you're IBM or Microsoft, of course) is that they should be upward compatible with previous versions wherever possible. It's great to introduce new features - but make it so that they have to specified as new objects, or new attributes - not that you change the default actions of existing things.

Are there any plans for a 0.93 release which would be 0.92 with the original 0.81 defaults? Or are the team all involved in more interesting things at the moment? Tarim's guess is that all the problems he listed should be reasonably easy to set to the 0.81 defaults (with the possible exception of the scheduling.) Tarim also realises that whenever anyone tells him that a problem is easy to fix without having looked at the code - he tells them to do it themselves ;-)

Andreas Lochmann wrote about tops and rotors returning to their start positions:
Can't say something to this one.
Jacob, shall we change the behaviour of the tops and
rotors in these levels?

It would seem more useful to use the 0.81 default, rather than ask Jacob - who surely isn't the only person to use tops and rotors in his levels?

Jacob Scott wrote:
the changes between versions 0.81 and 0.92 did change a few of my levels.

I wasn't expecting the rotors and tops to work like this in "Bizarro
World" or "You Must Be Kidding" -- this new behavior is however
intended in "Variety Pack" and is not much of a problem in "Bad

(It's gratifying to know that as Tarim solved Bizarro World and You Must Be Kidding with the 0.81 engine and Variety Pack with the 0.92 engine - he did at least do them how you intended.)

Part of the problem here is that you've used virtually the same code to generate the top in all three levels (is the "gohome" keyword the one you need?). It's good coding practice to specify default actions rather than rely on them - this avoids problems when default actions change between versions.

I think the accelerations in the "Nightmare" levels are more powerful
than they used to be, so the levels are a good bit more difficult.
"Snowing" is also quite hard, but that isn't new.

Tarim has never managed Snowing under 0.92 and he tried it a lot. Under 0.81 he found it hard but eventually possible. Mind you, he can't do the Nightmare levels under either version...

Ronald Lamprecht wrote:
Nevertheless the load attribute is unnecessary in 0.92. Usage of
"it-extinguisher_empty", "it-extinguisher_medium", "it-extinguisher" is
preferable - the load attribute will be set to the correct values

Martin or Raoul please change level martin95.lua.

Surely the point here is that even if the load attribute is deprecated - it should still be recognised in future versions so that old levels don't have to be changed?

Again, thanks to everyone who actually does the work, unlike Tarim who just sits around complaining about a few of the details. :-)

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