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Re: Hosting (Re: [Enigma-devel] Status)

From: Ingo van Lil
Subject: Re: Hosting (Re: [Enigma-devel] Status)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:58:45 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

On 23 Aug 2004, Markus Thiele wrote:

> > I have to take that back: There are several web interfaces and even
> > recent versions of ViewCVS support Subversion. You'd just have to
> > find somebody to host your project.
> To Daniel (or whomever else it may concern): If you are interested I
> might be willing to host your code repository, if you could tell me
> how much space and traffic it is likely to use up (I have no
> experience with running that sort of software, so I have no idea
> whatsoever).

No offence meant, but I don't think hosting it on a private workstation
is such a good idea. You probably cannot guarantee sufficient
availability, bandwidth and data security. I spent some time to find
sites who offer free hosting for free projects, but I haven't found
anything suitable yet. I sure hope that sooner or later SourceForge or
Savannah provide it as an alternative to CVS, but I don't know if there
are any plans to do so.


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