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Re: [PATCH] ob-python: support header argument `:results file graphics'

From: Liu Hui
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ob-python: support header argument `:results file graphics'
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 17:54:06 +0800

Jack Kamm <jackkamm@gmail.com> 于2023年7月6日周四 11:49写道:

> I would propose the following instead: for ":results output graphics",
> ob-python should plot the gcf, and clear it beforehand. But for
> ":results value graphics", the ob-python block should return a
> matplotlib Figure object to plot, which would allow keeping and
> modifying a Figure between blocks.
> I actually proposed that behavior before in this patch:
> https://list.orgmode.org/87eenpfe77.fsf@gmail.com/
> But never wound up applying it -- the patch was rather large, with a lot
> of extra features, and I wasn't sure they were all worth the extra
> complexity.  Then life got in the way, and I never got around to
> revisiting ob-python plotting, until now.

I think your proposal about ":results graphics" is more flexible and
complies the documentation. Since the patch has no real problem and
the feature is useful indeed, I hope it can be merged instead of mine
after the problem of documentation is resolved.

As for other features in the patch, maybe it is better to convert
dict/dataframe/array to table/list only when the result type is
explicitly set to table or list?

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