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Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 23:04:17 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50

Hanno Perrey <hanno@hoowl.se> writes:

>>> I have decided to push the changes to an unlisted cloned project on
>>> sourcehut (https://sr.ht/~ruijieyu/orgweb), since otherwise I would have
>>> to generate the patchset in every iteration, and attach the files to
>>> emails _one by one_ on mu4e.  Let me know if you need me to attach the
>>> patchset to keep a trace on the ML -- it takes me a while but I can do
>>> it.
>>mu4e does not support multiple selection when attaching files? AFAIK,
>>Emacs supports drag-and-drop for attachments.
> Just FYI: It is possible to attach several files in one go in mu4e, by using 
> the integration into dired and marking any file to be attached: 
> https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e/Dired.html

Thanks for mentioning it and for the link, I'll remember to use that
next time.

> Best wishes,
> Hanno
> PS: hope the formatting of this mail is ok, I am currently struggling with 
> the k9mail configuration on my mobile

All your paragraphs show up as long lines on my end, so evidently your
mobile email client soft-wraps your paragraphs for you (instead of
hard-wrapping, i.e., adding real newline chars).  Typical behavior on
mobile email clients, so I'm not surprised.



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