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[SOLVED] Re: How to change working directory in ob-matlab source block?

From: Christopher M. Miles
Subject: [SOLVED] Re: How to change working directory in ob-matlab source block?
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:35:30 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.2; emacs 30.0.50

stardiviner <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:

> Is there friend know Emacs Org mode and Matlab here?
> I try to save Matlab plot into image file in another path instead of current 
> working directory. Like
> bellowing code:
> #+headers: :var cwd=(expand-file-name "data/images/" (file-name-directory 
> (buffer-file-name)))
> #+headers: :prologue "eval(sprintf("cd '%s'", cwd))"
> #+headers: :epilogue "saveas(gcf,'matlab-plot-demo2.png'); close(gcf);"
> #+begin_src matlab :results graphics file link :dir "data/images" :file 
> "matlab-plot-demo2.png" :session
> "*MATLAB*"
> bar([1 11 7 8 2 2 9 3 6])
> #+end_src
> #+RESULTS[(2023-04-13 00:09:01) c5fc0d36b27e75610664ee69ae618649637e45d9]:
> [[file:data/images/matlab-plot-demo2.png]]
> But Matlab command "cd" does not work correctly in upper code method.

I find out the solution. The "cd" command used as a function then pass
in path string as argument. It works fine. So I adopt source block like

#+headers: :var cwd=(expand-file-name "data/images/" (file-name-directory 
#+headers: :prologue "cd(cwd)"
#+begin_src matlab :session "*MATLAB*" :results output
% eval(sprintf("cd '%s'", cwd))
% eval(sprintf("cd('%s')", cwd))
% cd(cwd)

% returns the path to the current working directory.

#+RESULTS[(2023-04-13 13:20:27) 0c1259b084fc93f95d7c60c9c748a0630bf4391d]:
cwd='/Users/stardiviner/Org/Wiki/Computer Technology/Programming/Emacs/Emacs 
Packages/Org mode/data/images/';
% eval(sprintf("cd '%s'", cwd))
% eval(sprintf("cd('%s')", cwd))
% cd(cwd)
% returns the path to the current working directory.

ans =

    '/Users/stardiviner/Org/Wiki/Computer Technology/Programming/Emacs/Emacs 
Packages/Org mode/data/images'

Really tricky for me. Hope helpful for some user.


[ stardiviner ]
I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express without 

Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
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