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[O] Bug: Exporting smart single quotes in Org 8.3 seems broken [8.3.2 (8

From: Jonathan Oddie
Subject: [O] Bug: Exporting smart single quotes in Org 8.3 seems broken [8.3.2 (8.3.2-elpa @ /Users/jonathan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20150929/)]
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 15:45:38 -0700

Hello Org folks,

(This is a duplicate of a Stackexchange question posted at 

I cannot seem get single quotes to export as 'smart' quotes under Org
8.3.2.  Here is a minimal file that reproduces the problem:

    #+OPTIONS: ':t
    #+LANGUAGE: en

    This is 'within single quotes'.  This is "within double quotes".

Expected behavior: from "emacs -Q", under which "M-x org-version"
reports 8.2.10, the output when exporting to UTF-8 plaintext is:

    This is ‘within single quotes’. This is “within double quotes”

and the output when exporting to LaTeX is:

    This is `within single quotes'.  This is ``within double quotes''.

If I load the most recent version of org-mode (starting from "emacs -Q",
typing "M-x package-initialize RET", and "M-x load-library RET org
RET"), "org-version" reports 8.3.2, and the output no longer correctly
translates single quotes.  In UTF-8 text, the result is:

    This is ’within single quotes’. This is “within double quotes”.

In LaTeX, the result is:

    This is 'within single quotes'.  This is ``within double quotes''.

Thanks in advance for any advice,


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (i686-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.36)
of 2014-10-20 on builder10-6.porkrind.org
Package: Org-mode version 8.3.2 (8.3.2-elpa @ /Users/jonathan/.emacs.d/elpa=

current state:
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point
org-plantuml-jar-path "~/bin/plantuml.jar"
org-ditaa-jar-path "/opt/local/share/java/ditaa0_9.jar"
org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe
org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
org-modules '(org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus org-info org-jsinfo
               org-irc org-mew org-mhe org-rmail org-special-blocks org-vm
               org-wl org-w3m)
org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
org-clocktable-defaults '(:maxlevel 2 :lang "en" :scope file :block thismo=
                           :wstart 1 :mstart 1 :tstart nil :tend nil :step
                           week :stepskip0 nil :fileskip0 nil :tags nil
                           :emphasize nil :link nil :narrow 40! :indent t
                           :formula nil :timestamp nil :level nil :tcolumns
                           nil :formatter nil)
org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook
org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
org-latex-default-packages-alist '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t) ("T1" "fontenc" t)
                                    ("" "fixltx2e" nil) ("" "graphicx" t)
                                    ("" "longtable" nil) ("" "float" nil)
                                    ("" "wrapfig" nil) ("" "rotating" nil)
                                    ("normalem" "ulem" t) ("" "amsmath" t)
                                    ("" "textcomp" t) ("" "marvosym" t)
                                    ("" "wasysym" t) ("" "amssymb" t)
                                    ("" "hyperref" nil) ("" "oddie" t)
org-structure-template-alist '(("s" "#+BEGIN_SRC ?\n\n#+END_SRC"
                                 "<src lang=3D\"?\">\n\n</src>")
                                ("e" "#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE\n?\n#+END_EXAMPLE"
                                ("q" "#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n?\n#+END_QUOTE"
                                ("v" "#+BEGIN_VERSE\n?\n#+END_VERSE"
                                ("V" "#+BEGIN_VERBATIM\n?\n#+END_VERBATIM"
                                ("c" "#+BEGIN_CENTER\n?\n#+END_CENTER"
                                ("l" "#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n?\n#+END_LaTeX"
                                 "<literal style=3D\"latex\">\n?\n</literal=
                                ("L" "#+LaTeX: "
                                 "<literal style=3D\"latex\">?</literal>")
                                ("h" "#+BEGIN_HTML\n?\n#+END_HTML"
                                 "<literal style=3D\"html\">\n?\n</literal>=
                                ("H" "#+HTML: "
                                 "<literal style=3D\"html\">?</literal>")
                                ("a" "#+BEGIN_ASCII\n?\n#+END_ASCII")
                                ("A" "#+ASCII: ")
                                ("i" "#+INDEX: ?" "#+INDEX: ?")
                                ("I" "#+INCLUDE: %file ?"
                                 "<include file=3D%file markup=3D\"?\">")
                                 "#+CAPTION: ?\n#+LABEL: \n[[file:%file]]\n=
org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-default-notes-file "~/notes/notes.org"
org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-export-backends '(ascii html icalendar latex md)
org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
org-mode-hook '(my-org-mode-custom
                 #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
                   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all
                    append local]
                 #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
                   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook
                    org-babel-show-result-all append local]
                 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
org-time-clocksum-format '(:hours "%d" :require-hours t :minutes ":%02d"
                            :require-minutes t)
org-directory "~/notes"
org-footnote-auto-adjust t
org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "WIP" "DONE") (sequence "REFILE")
                     (sequence "LOOKUP" "NEXT" "FOUND" "READING" "READ"))
org-startup-folded 'content
org-agenda-files '("/Users/jonathan/ox-it/notes.org" "~/notes/notes.org")
org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(("lisp" . "lisp") ("python" . "py")
                              ("LilyPond" . "ly") ("emacs-lisp" . "el")
                              ("elisp" . "el"))
org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" :foreground "red" :weight bold)
                          ("WIP" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
                          ("DONE" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold)
                          ("REFILE" :foreground "red" :weight bold)
                          ("LOOKUP" :foreground "red" :weight bold)
                          ("NEXT" :foreground "yellow" :weight bold)
                          ("FOUND" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
                          ("READING" :foreground "blue" :weight bold)
                          ("READ" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold))
org-babel-load-languages '((R . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (lilypond . t)
                            (python . t) (lisp . t) (sql . t) (ditaa . t)
                            (sqlite . t) (shell . t) (plantuml . t))
org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p

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