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Re: [O] Collaborating on a shared project

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] Collaborating on a shared project
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 14:23:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Sébastien,

"Sebastien Vauban"
<address@hidden> writes:

> I think we should have a way to upgrade Org to more than a *personal*
> organizer -- of course, it already is much more, but I'm emphasizing
> here over "personal".

There is work under the way to make Org more collaboration-ready.

See the org-merge-driver by Andrew:


It helps merging possible conflicts when people use the same repo to
store org files.  Andrew asked for feedback -- if you have time to test
this, that would be great.

See also org-sync by Aurélien:

It helps synchronize local org files with a remote backend such as
redmine, github, RememberTheMilk, etc.  Here again, feedback is very

Now, what I would do in your situation is to have one .org file per
collaborator, then various views to get the information you want.  
This reduces possible merge conflicts, makes it easy to publish it
as a web page -- even publishing agendas should be okay.  I've never
used Org in this way though, so this is not grounded on experience.



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