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[Dr. Geo] DrGWrappedPoint versus Point

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Dr. Geo] DrGWrappedPoint versus Point
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 20:33:59 +0200 (CEST)


In the file hoogtelijn.svg in attach (which I exported in DrGeo using the 
'Export as SVG' functionality), I have printed the name of the class of a point 
(DrGWrappedPoint) in the sketch.

This is an example to draw the altitude of a triangle and its orthocenter.

In the examples in the DrGeo tutorial, these examples seem to use tuples like 
0@0 also as arguments for messages like segment:to: , those instances are of 
class Point.

Now to interactively manipulate the DrGeo sketch it works with the 
DrGWrappedPoint instances.

| sketch a b c A B C AB BC AC E F G S |

sketch _ DrGeoSketch new.
a _ -1@0.
b _ 2@1.
c _ 4@0.
sketch text: 'Hoogtelijn' at:-2@2.
A _ sketch point:a.
A name:'A'.
B _ sketch point:b.
B name:'B'.
C _ sketch point:c.
C name:'C'.
sketch text: 'A is a ' , (A class name) at:-2@-2.
AB _ sketch segment: A to: B.
AC _ sketch segment: A to: C.
BC _ sketch segment: B to: C.
E _ sketch perpendicular:AC  at: B.
F _ sketch perpendicular:AB  at: C.
G _ sketch perpendicular:BC  at: A.
S _ sketch intersectionOf: E and: F.
S name:'S'.

If I change

AB _ sketch segment: A to: B.


AB _ sketch segment: a to: b.

and use Point instances as arguments for the segment:to: message,
the labels (names) of the points disappear for me.

So is it recommended to always use DrGWrappedPoint instances instead of Point 
instances ?

David Stes

Attachment: hoogtelijn.svg
Description: image/svg

Attachment: altitude.png
Description: PNG image

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