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Re: cannot open file if name contains accented characters

From: John Cowan
Subject: Re: cannot open file if name contains accented characters
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 14:18:49 -0500

On Mon, Dec 25, 2023 at 6:07 AM <> wrote:
I'm not too familiar with the way Windows handles non-ASCII characters
in operating system calls, but I assume that what gets passed to the C
library runtime functions like fopen(3), etc. assumes a particular encoding.

Basically, there are two modes, one that assumes a particular encoding, as you say (that's the default) and one that assumes wchar_t, which is always UTF-16LE.  Which encoding is used in the first mode depends on the locale setting.

From a quick glance at the Windows docs[1] it seems one needs to use
"_fwopen" with a wchar_t string argument to pass extended characters.

Indeed, except that it's _wfopen, not _fwopen. Note that _fopen can involve 8-bit, 16-bit, or 8/16-bit mode depending on the encoding.

Sorry, if this is not overly helpful. We are currently in the process of improving
the unicode support for the next major version of CHICKEN.

This makes me realize that posixwin needs to be changed in C6 so that it always uses the second mode.  A simple way to do this is to use a UTF-8 to UTF-16BE converter (and vice versa for things like dirread) right before calling _fwopen.


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