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Bug report: Rec-mode 1.9.0 - Edit field features errors out

From: G
Subject: Bug report: Rec-mode 1.9.0 - Edit field features errors out
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 10:06:10 -0500

OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
Emacs: GNU Emacs 27.1
Rec-mode: 1.9.0 - installed via package manager

Steps to reproduce:

1. Install rec-mode 1.9.0 using package manager
2. Open recfile (sample attached)
3. Go to navigation mode
4. Go to a field in the record
5. Press e
6. Update the value of the field in the new buffer
7. Press C-c C-c

Error (listed below) is shown.   Field is removed from record - Emacs
undo will restore it to the pre-update value.

Error shown after pressing C-c C-c

Symbol’s function definition is void: rec-field

Error shown with 'toggle-debug-on-error':

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function rec-field)
  rec-field(:position 0 :name "Field2" :value "rec2f2-bug")
  funcall-interactively(rec-finish-editing-field nil)
  call-interactively(rec-finish-editing-field nil nil)

I tried reproducing this bug with 1.8.4 - the bug does not exist in
that version of rec-mode.
My Emacs ships with some version of 'rec-mode' (not sure which one)
and the bug doesn't exist in that version either.

Attachment: recmodebug.rec
Description: Binary data

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