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[Bibulus-users] New entry type: manuscript?

From: Thomas Widmann
Subject: [Bibulus-users] New entry type: manuscript?
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 22:23:39 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


three months ago, Jesse Billett wrote the following to Bibulus-users
(see the archive for the full message):

> [...]
> So this would require the following traditional BibTeX-style fields:
> Address:              Florence
> Library:              Biblioteca Laurenziana
> Shelfmark:            Amiatino I (the MS prefix doesn't apply to all
>                       styles... needs to be optional)
> Pagerange:            [empty if all]
> X-te:                 s. vii--viii (before A.D. 716) [ "s" here is for the
>                       Latin "saecula", and refers
>                       to the centuries when the book might have been made]
> Origin:               Jarrow or Wearmouth, Northumbria
> Standardref:          \CLA III, 299 % (use a macro for abbreviated names.
>                       This one is "Codices  Latini Antiquiories",
>                       a standard ref. work)
> Edition:              [citation key for an edition of the manuscript]
> Seealso:              [pp.~11--12, nn.~12--13, Plates VIII, IX]{Lowe:1960}
>                       [pp. 71, 199]{Bischoff:1999}
> [...]

Apart from Seealso (which is an annotation, I think), Address and
Pagerange, the fields seem to be new (what is meant by 'X-te' -- is it
just a date?).  Should we make a new entry type called <manuscript>
with at least additional fields <library>, <shelfmark> and <origin>?

Thomas Widmann          Bye-bye to BibTeX: join the Bibulus project now!
address@hidden                                <>
Glasgow, Scotland, EU     <>

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