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[Xenomai-main] thread switch hookl

From: Christian GAGNERAUD
Subject: [Xenomai-main] thread switch hookl
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 16:07:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624


I'm playing with the thread switch hook functionality, but i think that the switch hook is not call in schedule() at the right place.
I explain me:

The hook is called in the second part of the schedule routine (after the contexte switch), so the hook() will be called only when the preemted thread will be reschedule (if it didn't die). Moreover the Documentation said that the hook is called with "the descriptor address of the thread which has been switched out" as parameter, but it seems to be false since in schedule the call is:


so the sched->runthread value will be passed to the hook, but the hook parameter value is the same as the value return by xnpod_current_thread(). So we can't know in this hook both the prempted thread and the incoming thread. :(

If the hook is called before the contexte switch, it is more interesting (for what i wan't to do: just trace the process switch): - the hook will be called on every switch context (even if the preempted thread is killed or never resumed) - in the hook routine we can know wich thread has been preempted (routine parameter) and the incoming one (with xnpod_current_thread().

Am i missing something? Isn't this modification interesting?

With best regards.


Gagneraud Christian

Atos Origin
Systems Integration
Rue Ampère - BP 475
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