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[www-it-traduzioni] Fwd: 2014 summary

From: Andrea Pescetti
Subject: [www-it-traduzioni] Fwd: 2014 summary
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:52:11 +0100
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Ecco qui sotto la relazione promessa sull'attivita' di traduzione di gnu.org nel 2014.

Aggiungo qualche statistica specifica per le pagine italiane (c'e' qualche differenza rispetto alla tabella globale qui sotto, dovuta alla distinzione tra traduzioni "importanti" e non): - 320 aggiornamenti di traduzioni esistenti (in massima parte conseguenti ad aggiornamenti delle pagine originali inglesi) - 9 conversioni fatte nel corso dell'anno (per le sole directory "importanti") - 6 conversioni a GNUN ancora in coda, con ottime probabilita' di concluderle tutte nel 2015
-  17 nuove traduzioni contando sempre solo le directory "importanti"

Per il resto, come gia' sapete, l'attivita' in lista e' in genere modesta (tranne l'eccezionale picco di dicembre) ma sufficiente per consentirci di tenere aggiornate tutte le traduzioni gia' sotto GNUN, di convertire a GNUN quelle che mancano e occasionalmente di tradurre qualche nuovo articolo importante.


--------  Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 2014 summary
Data: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 06:03:03 -0500
Mittente: Ineiev <address@hidden>
A: address@hidden

Hello, fellow translators!

This year wasn't as active as 2013; however, by the end of the year
the average number of translations per English page in the `important'
directories is yet higher (7.73) than the maximum of 2013 (and,
therefore, all other years).  Also, in December we reached a minimum
of non-up-to-date translations (656 files) and of percentage of
outdated PO files (less than 20%) since the introduction of GNUN.

     General Statistics

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated articles
and the translations that were converted to the PO format.  Only
the translations from the `important' directories are taken
into account, and errors are likely.

+-team--+------new------+---converted---+---to convert--+-&-outdated-+
| ar    | * 1 (  5.8Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   39 (85%) |
| ca    |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   5 (196.5Ki) |   11 (17%) |
| cs    |   1 (  7.3Ki) | # 4 ( 59.5Ki) |  24 (746.6Ki) |   17 (88%) |
| de    |  16 (112.5Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   8.8 (5%) |
| el    |   0 (  0.0Ki) |# 10 (131.8Ki) |   5 ( 41.8Ki) |   16 (85%) |
| es    |  17 (182.2Ki) |   5 ( 43.5Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.7 (0.5%) |
| fa    |   2 ( 19.3Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   4 ( 60.7Ki) |   20 (96%) |
| fr    |  18 (126.5Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.6 (0.2%) |
| hr    |   1 (  4.3Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   31 (44%) |
| it    |  17 (232.9Ki) |   9 ( 95.1Ki) |   4 (270.4Ki) |   1 (1.6%) |
| ja    |   8 ( 56.7Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |     9 (8%) |
| ko    |   1 (  4.3Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |  26 (669.3Ki) |   19 (67%) |
| lt    | * 3 ( 46.4Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.1 (3.5%) |
| ml    | * 8 ( 64.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   13 (50%) |
| pl    |   3 ( 28.2Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |  36 (702.9Ki) | 5.4 (5.1%) |
| pt-br | * 1 (  5.9Ki) | # 7 ( 92.8Ki) |  22 (697.5Ki) |   18 (71%) |
| ru    |  40 (458.6Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.5 (0.2%) |
| sq    |   5 ( 64.4Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   13 (46%) |
| sr    |   0 (  0.0Ki) | # 1 ( 18.8Ki) |   1 (  5.5Ki) |   25 (98%) |
| uk    |  49 (300.4Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) |   0 (  0.0Ki) | 1.7 (3.2%) |
| total | 191 (1719.7Ki)| 36 ( 441.5Ki) |@314 (6118.7Ki)|

* The Arabic, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Brazilian Portuguese
  translations were submitted to Translation Managers and installed
  without establishing a new team.

@ All HTML-only translations in the `important' directories are
   counted, not only the translations of the displayed teams.

# Czech, Greek, Brazilian Portuguese, Serbian translations
  were converted to PO format by our French co-ordinator;
  in some cases it means that they still need updating.

& Typical percent of outdated GNUNified translations throughout
  the year.

(For the reference: 20 new POT files were added, amounting to
  to 134Ki, and there were about 1000 modifications of English
  files in `important' directories.)

The Spanish team finished converting their HTML-only translations
to PO format, and the Italian team also converted their translations
very actively.

I'd also like to mention the Ukrainian team, their progress is
very impressive.

The three new Lithuanian pages were the first our pages in that

     Orphaned Teams

No orphaned teams this year!

     New and Reformed Teams

The Korean team became active again, with the same co-ordinator.

There was a number of attempts to create new teams: Indonesian,
Malayalam, Slovenian (twice), Brazilian Portuguese, Kannada, Bengali.

     Changes in the Page Regeneration System

No notable changes in our infrastructure occurred in 2014; there was
a single GNUN release, mostly bug and documentation fixes.

Happy GNU year, and thanks a lot for your contributions!

(I see nothing secret in this message, so if you think it may be
interesting to people who are not subscribed to the list, please
feel free to forward it).

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