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[GNU-traductores] old-gnudist:/home/www/html/events.html -- New file

From: old-gnudist's file diff daemon
Subject: [GNU-traductores] old-gnudist:/home/www/html/events.html -- New file
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 06:28:40 -0800 (PST)

This is an automated report from old-gnudist.
This appears to be a new file or has only recently been added to
the list of monitored files:

   6 -rw-rw-r--    1 www      www          5884 Jan 15 04:15 


<TITLE>Coming Events - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</TITLE>
<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:address@hidden";>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" 
<H1>Coming FSF and GNU Events</H1>

<A HREF="/graphics/agnuhead.html"><IMG SRC="/graphics/gnu-head-sm.jpg"
   ALT=" [image of the Head of a GNU] "
   WIDTH="129" HEIGHT="122"></A>

  <A HREF="/events.html">English</A>

<!-- | <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/events.pt.html";>Portuguese</A> -->
<!--  | <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/events.es.html";>Spanish</A> -->
<!-- These translations will not be up-to-date until the script is modified -->


<H2>Related Information</H2>

<LI><A HREF="/server/whatsnew.html"><STRONG>What's New</STRONG></A> (on this 
<LI><A HREF="/server/new-software.html"><STRONG>New Software 
<LI><A HREF="/press/press.html"><STRONG>Press Information</STRONG></A>
    and <A HREF="/press/press.html#releases"><STRONG>Releases</STRONG></A>
<LI><A HREF="/people/speakers.html"><STRONG>GNU Speakers</STRONG></A>

You can get automatic emails announcing GNU and FSF events by joining the
mailing list.

<HR width="60%">

<H2>Scheduled Events</H2>

<!--  In a pinch, you can add an event right in this file, above the AUTO -->
<!--  section, and it will appear in www.gnu.org/events.html.  This is -->
<!--  typically *not* how events are handled.  The detailed documentation -->
<!--  for webmasters on how events are handled is in -->
<!--  /server/standards/README.html in the "Adding an event" section. -->
<!--  Please read the details there on how to add an event properly. -->
<!--  Whatever you do, do not edit or add items in the AUTO section; it is -->
<!--  generated (and clobbered) each night by -->
<!--  gnudist:~www/bin/auto-event-handle -->

<!-- If you're adding an event manually, follow this template. -->
<!-- Things in brackets should be HTML tags in the real text. -->
<!-- [DT][STRONG]Name of day Date Month Year, beginning time until end time -->
<!-- [/STRONG][BR]City, State, Country (or whatever's most appropriate)[/DT] -->
<!-- [DD]Short description of the event -->
<!-- [P] Miscellaneous notes, if applicable. -->
<!-- [P] -->
<!-- Some miscellaneous notes: -->
<!-- - Names of speeches, panels, etc. should be in CITE tags. -->
<!-- - If you can link to /people/speakers.html, do so. -->
<!-- - Each note should go on its own line, with a preceding P tag. -->
<!-- Of course, examples are available on /events.html. -->


<DT><STRONG>Wednesday 16 January 2002, 19:00 until 21:00
</STRONG><BR>MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.</DT>
<DD><a href="/people/speakers.html#Kuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a> will deliver a 
speech, entitled <CITE>Software Freedom and the GNU Generation</CITE>.
  GNU stickers will be available without charge.
<P>The speech will be held on the MIT campus, in Building 1, room 190 (i.e., 
<DT><STRONG>Wednesday 30 January 2002, 14:30 until 15:45
</STRONG><BR>Jacob Javitz Center, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA.</DT>
<DD><a href="/people/speakers.html#Kuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a> will participate 
in a panel discussion, entitled <CITE>DotGNU: Language Infrastructure, 
Application Environments, and Online Authentication for GNU/Linux 
<p>GNU stickers will be available without charge.
<P>Barry Fitzgerald and David Sugar (of the DotGNU Steering Committee) and Tony 
Stanco (founder of FreeDevelopers.net) will also be on this panel.
<DT><STRONG>Wednesday 30 January 2002, 14:00 until 15:00
</STRONG><BR>CNIT, La Defense, Paris, France.</DT>
<DD><A HREF="/people/speakers.html#Stallman">Richard M. Stallman</A> will 
deliver a speech, entitled <CITE>L'origine et l'avenir du logiciel libre et le 
système GNU-Linux</CITE>.
<P>This speech will be delivered in French.<P>Free Software Foundation <A 
HREF="/order/order.html">documentation, t-shirts, and other items</A> will be 
on sale at this event.
  (Proceeds benefit the FSF.)  GNU stickers will be available without charge.
<P>The event will be held in the Auditorium Goethe in Hall Albinoni.  That is 
on Level -1 at the CNIT, which is at La Defense in Paris, France.
<DT><STRONG>Thursday 31 January 2002, 18:00 until 19:30
</STRONG><BR>Jacob Javitz Center, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA.</DT>
<DD>A Birds of Feather (BoF) session, entitled "The GNU and Free Software 
Foundation BoF", will be held.
<a href="/people/speakers.html#Kuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a> will speak at this BoF.
  GNU stickers will be available without charge.
<P>The BoF will be held in Room 1E09 at the Jacob Javitz Center.


You can get automatic emails announcing GNU and FSF events by joining the
mailing list.


Return to <A HREF="/home.html">GNU's home page</A>.

Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries &amp; questions to 

<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
There are also <A HREF="/home.html#ContactInfo">other ways to
contact</A> the FSF.

Please send comments on these web pages to

<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>,
send other questions to
<A HREF="mailto:address@hidden";><EM>address@hidden</EM></A>.
Copyright &copy; 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111,  USA
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
(Template) Updated:
<!-- timestamp start -->
$Date: 2001/12/10 04:02:42 $ $Author: brett $            
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