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wget2 | Directory prefix provided with -P/--directory-prefix is not norm

From: Rudolf Streif (@rudolf.streif)
Subject: wget2 | Directory prefix provided with -P/--directory-prefix is not normalized correctly (#667)
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 01:53:41 +0000

Rudolf Streif created an issue: https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2/-/issues/667

If a directory prefix is provided its path components are not normalized 
correctly, which in turn causes the function mkdir_path to fail. Examples:

-P ./downloads    works
-P ../downloads   works
-P ../../downloads does not work (Internal error: Unexpected relative path: 
-P ./../downloads does not work (Internal error: Unexpected relative path: 
-P /home/user/downloads/../downloads does not work (Internal error: Unexpected 
relative path: '/home/user/downloads/..')

I would not expect, nor actually want, mkdir_path to create the path components 
of the directory prefix (only the patch components from a recursively 
downloaded directory tree).

IMHO, wget2 should use realpath (or equivalent) to obtain the canonicalized 
absolute path name, then check if the path exists, and if so, use it 
subsequently. If the path does not exist or is actually a file then it should 

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